Chapter 12

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Dedicated to @salms_g_1D for the awesome comment on the last chapter. Thank you so much!

SATURDAY CAME MUCH FASTER THAN I'd anticipated. One minute, I had woken up on a rather cold Monday morning, and before I knew it, I had woken up at nine on Saturday morning, groaning into my pillow as realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.


Zayn was coming over for dinner that night, thanks to my mother's kind invitation. I honestly wished that she had never seen Zayn and I walking home together after the party had been cancelled early. It all seemed like so long ago when we had been headed over to Kate's in that taxi, chatting about how staring was rude. In reality, I knew it was only a week ago but after the last week's happenings, it made that one Saturday seem like years ago.

"So you're not feeling awkward about this whole dinner thing . . . at all?" Sophie asked me, her confused expression filling up my laptop screen. The pair of us had been on Skype for a few hours, and I had just finished telling her about my mother's invitation. At first, Sophie had just laughed at me, finding the whole situation funny, but then she had ordered me to tell her every single detail as soon as Zayn was gone. Rolling my eyes and I laughed at her ridiculous request. What the heck did she think was going to happen that was even worth telling about?

"Not really. What could go wrong?" I said with a small shrug. Sophie ran a hand through her red hair before she yawned. Clearly she was still tired, even though it was just past four in the afternoon. 

"How can you still be tired?" I asked and she just chuckled.

"I was up late." she answered simply with a grin and I just shook my head at her. Usually when Sophie, Marielle, Kate and I had had sleepovers when we were younger, we would have stayed up late and told each other horror stories about ghosts, vampires and witches before finally falling asleep in the early hours of the morning. It had all been great fun at the time, and also something we had quickly grown out of enjoying.

"How late?" I questioned, a smile tugging at my lips as I observed her baggy eyes and slightly frizzy hair. Clearly, she hadn't even bothered to make her self look presentable before coming online. I didn't mind one bit; I had seen Sophie and all of my friends without making an effort to look good and they still managed to look flawless.

"Late enough." she answered before she yawned once again and looked over her shoulder at the clock sitting on the wall above her window.

"So very late, I'm guessing?" I said and she just rolled her eyes before she gave me a large grin.

"Look, Laura, I have to go or I'm going to miss Corrie." she said as she started typing something on her laptop, making the camera shake and distort her image.

"You still watch Coronation Street?" I asked, bewildered. She had told me not so long ago that she couldn't be bothered with soaps anymore, ever since she started to watch TV shows such as True Blood and The Vampire Diaries. She had suddenly become fascinated by those types of programs.

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