Chapter 22

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"DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT I told you on Saturday?" Zayn asked me as he turned into the school car park, his eyes on me instead of the road. I nodded slowly as I recalled our conversation in the park - the conversation where Zayn Persuaded me to act like his girlfriend in public places, but of course I was going to try my best to disobey his orders.

I cringed at the idea of his arms holding me in an embrace of which couples often did, the thought of his murderous hands touching me and his lips meeting my own. I was repulsed by him, and that was all there was to it. I doubted that I would ever be able to see anything good in him, but that was if there was even an ounce of goodness there at all.

"And what was it?" Zayn asked as he pulled into an empty space, rather far from the school building. I gritted my teeth together at his persistence. He knew very well what he had told me, and making me repeat it was just a way to wind me up.

"You know what." I said before I quickly opened the car door, my bag gripped tightly in my free hand. Before I could leave the vehicle, Zayn grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down into the seat, the action making the door slam shut behind me. I glared down at his hand before I met his eyes, still through my narrowed gaze.

"Don't get cocky with me, Laura. Remember that your actions are what determines whether your friends and families live. If you want them to continue living, happily with no troubles, then you'll stop with all of your smart comments. I suggest you keep your smart mouth shut from now on."

Not wanting him to threaten me anymore or possibly break my wrist, I nodded. I knew that he could easily hurt my loved ones, just as easily as someone could blink their eyes. If anything were to happen to them, I didn't know what I would do.

Zayn tugged on my wrist and I gasped at the roughness.

"I heard you!" I snapped at him and he smirked at me before he leaned forward and captured his lips with my own. I gasped when the coldness of his lips touched mine and I tried to shy away, but then I remembered his Persuasion act. I couldn't pull away, not if I was being forced to act like his girl friend in public places.

My bottom lip was still sore from Saturday, the small puncture wound Zayn had created throbbing under his dominating touch. He tugged at it carefully before he pulled away and chuckled. The heat rose in my cheeks as he observed me, raising his hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Let's go." he said before he stepped out of the car. Before I could even open my door, he was there opening it for me, his hand out stretched for me to take. I ignored the offer and jumped out of the Bentley myself, pushing past his hand and speed walking towards the school. I heard Zayn lock the car behind me, but I continued walking ahead, not wanting to be seen beside him.

Unfortunately, he had different ideas. He quickly moved beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist and tugging me into his side. I scowled at the ground, trying not to show how annoyed I was with his constant attempts to keep me close. He just didn't seem to understand that I didn't want anything to do with him.

"Couples walk together, Laura." Zayn whispered in my ear, his fingertips digging into my sides as if warning me not to try it again. I rolled my eyes at his comment and tried my best to think of a happy place, anywhere that happened to be Zayn free.

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