Chapter 11

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Dedicated to @PunkiePie for the awesome comment on the last chapter! Thanks! 

WHAT HAPPENED ON WEDNESDAY MORNING had come as a shock not only to my friends, but to myself. Just as I had been getting ready to leave home and head to school, Zayn had also been doing the same thing. As I stepped outside, so had he and we had greeted each other a good morning before we began walking together towards Tong High.

As we walked side by side, I couldn't help but remember the night we had walked home together after Kate's party, chatting about the McFadgen murder and how my mother had invited him along for dinner on Saturday. My mother had asked me to do a quick, last minute shop on Friday to make sure she had everything she needed to prepare a 'respectable' meal for Zayn and ourselves.

I still couldn't believe that she had invited him over in the first place, as she never done such things - at least not so suddenly like she had. I had even explained to her a few times that Zayn hardly ate anything, remembering him being rather picky at the party when it came down to food. My mother hadn't even listened to me as I rambled on and on, trying to get her to change her mind about inviting him over in the first place. She was taking none of it.

For hours on end she had been listing all the sorts of food that she was willing to prepare for my new friend. From meats such as beef to lamb to chicken she had listed, eventually choosing the chicken as I told her it was Zayn's favourite food. That was what he had said at the party, anyway. She was happy to make a home made chicken curry for him, if she knew it would please him. Sometimes, my mother was a little too friendly.

Zayn and I walked in silence through the school gates, smiling at each other now and again as we headed into the large building.

"History, yeah?" Zayn asked as we made our way through the student filled halls and up the school's main staircase to the top floor where the History classroom was.

"Yeah. With the delightfully boring Miss Burns." I said and Zayn chuckled, his eyes lowering to the ground as we walked up to the classroom doors.

"She sure is boring." Zayn said with a lazy grin as we walked into the room and to our seats at the back.

I pondered the empty seat next to me, wondering where Kate was at that precise moment. She was usually on time to school, very much like myself, but after her recent behaviour, I highly doubted she would ever be in on time again.

"You OK?" Zayn asked as he opened his bag and pulled out everything he needed for the lesson. I copied his actions - extracting my History folder and pencil case from within my bag before I turned and looked him in the eye.

"Yeah, just thinking." I answered. In truth, I was worrying. Still worrying. Kate was continuing to act weird, and I had given up trying to talk to her. The day before, in Biology as we took the test, I had asked her if she was OK and I had been completely blanked.

"Do you mind if I ask what about?" Zayn asked, an eyebrow raised and his dark eyes locked on me intently as he waited for an answer.

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