Chapter 36

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"So can he turn into a bat?" Sophie asked. "Or fog? Or a wolf?"

"No!" I groaned as I listened to her many ridiculous theories. She had been asking me question after question about Zayn - correction, about vampires, and no matter what I said, she just kept going. I had purposely asked her to come over to mine so that Zayn could Persuade her and make her forget everything she had seen two days prior. Thankfully, the original Persuasion hadn't worn off, and she hadn't told anyone about what she had witnessed. "He can't shape-shift at all."

"Aw," she muttered, "that sucks. Ha, get it? Sucks ... vampires?"

I glared at her and she let out a sigh before turning and opening the balcony doors. She took a seat in one of the small chairs and looked over at Zayn's house. While she was occupied, I took the opportunity to send a text to Zayn asking when he'd be over.

From: Zayn
Soon, don't worry.

"It kind of makes sense," Sophie said suddenly. "Vampires always have the big, fancy houses and the coolest cars. They're always rich, aren't they? I've always wondered why..."

I rolled my eyes as she spoke to herself. I picked up my book and continued reading, pushing my glasses back up my nose.

"So how old is he?"

I shrugged, pretending not to listen to her. I was sick of answering questions, especially since it was absolutely none of her business to tell. Mythical vampires were completely different to real ones, and she couldn't seem to get that through her head.

"C'mon, Laura!" Sophie groaned. "Tell me!"

"No, Sophie!" I yelled, getting angry. I placed the book down on the bed and stood up to look at her. "I don't want to answer these questions, OK? Why can't you understand that?"

Sophie stood and frowned at me, "Calm down, I'm only curious."

"Well, stop being curious. This whole vampire situation has nothing to do with you, it's none of your business so leave it alone. I don't know what it's like to drink blood, or to be super strong and fast. If you want to know, then don't ask me. You are asking me - a human - about vampires, Sophie. If you want to know, go ask someone-"

"Like me?" said a voice from behind Sophie. She turned to look over her shoulder to see Zayn sitting in one of the small chairs, his brown leather jacket hugging his torso and black jeans adorning his bottom half.

"Yes! Thank you," Sophie said before she threw herself down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Thank God you're here," I said to Zayn as I walked over to him. "She's been driving me crazy."

"You and me both then?" Zayn said. "I can hear her from across the street."

"Now we both know what pain is."

Sophie sat up on the bed and looked back and forth between the two of us, a serious look on her face. "So, this is the reason you wanted me over, huh, Laura? You just want me to forget everything."

"Yes." I made no attempt to look sorry for her. "It's for your own good."

"Bullshit, you just want to be the only one who knows that all this stuff exists." Sophie turned away from me and crossed her arms across her chest in a huff.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Zayn with a knowing look. He nodded to me and then walked over to Sophie slowly. "Sophie?" he said and she looked over at him.

"What?" she asked. I was surprised by her lack of fear when he came to sit beside her on the bed. I had been utterly terrified of him to start with, and after watching all of those TV series about how dangerous a vampire could be, Sophie was looking at him as if he were a birthday cake.

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