Closure <3 (Chapter 17)

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ummm... EEEP! AHHH! WOWZA! So excited about this chapter!

AGAIN: Cliff hanger. This time... not as bad, I don't think. You are FOREWARNED! :P

i'm too awfully lazy to go back and edit after i post a pic, but it will probably be a 1D one this time. Idk. Again, you are forewarned.


There's a button over there, and I know I say this ALLL THE DANG TIME, but it's veryy hungry and in need of a click. It takes just the click of a mouse, you know. It's comfort for my little friend over there. "Thanks in advance for feeding me!" he says.

xD Silliness aside, I think there are only three chapters left. Possbily an epilogue after that. But please feel free to shoot me your ideas (privately) for a final ending. I'm in great need of help for that! Thanks if you do, and if you don't... ahh, well. I guess all is well :)

Sorry for all the rambling here ^^ When I'm excited i tend to ramble and not get on with the show... you know... ohh nevermind. HERE IT BE! :P



Chapter 17- Closure


            Just before Max, Holden, and Emma were to leave, my parents called all guests into the dining area. I knew they were about to make their announcement. My mind flashed forward a bit, trying to picture the excitement on our guests’ faces when my parents revealed the Lord’s work in their life. Max, Emma, and Holden entered behind me and we stood to face my loving parents.

            Kendra trailed into the room last, her eyes scanning quickly to find Max. Apparently they’d separated for a few minutes, and she was in a rush to see him again. I knew that Kendra and Max had only met at the beginning of the summer, when he came home from college to stay with his family. But already, I could sense the strong connection between the two of them. I knew they had something special, and I knew that I might die without details pretty soon. Had they kissed? What was he like? Kendra was my best friend, and she’d hardly spared two words for the guy. But I guessed I’d been the same way about my love life as well.

            Holden and Emma held hands, and Max and Kendra stood closely beside each other. My father placed his arm carefully around my mother, leaving me the odd one out. I had no one beside me. My most faithful and giving grin was pasted on my face as soon as I felt my countenance begin to fall; even if the world was crashing, I wouldn’t ruin this announcement for my parents.

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