Party <3 (Chapter 1)

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  • Dedicated to moriah, for being the first to comment :)

My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

Psalm 31:15 (KJV)


Chapter 1- Party <3


            “Hey,” I said, slowly turning to look him in the eyes. He had gorgeous green eyes, with flecks of a strange light in them. I took it to be the sun glinting from somewhere.

            “Hello,” he said, in an accent I’d heard only a few times. I recognized it suddenly and gasped.

            “You’re British?” I said, surprised. I wanted so badly to ask him why he was here, in this quaint little town, when Britain had probably so much more to offer.

            “Yes, I am,” he said, looking as shocked as I. “I don’t seem familiar to you?” he said, leaning back on his elbows.

            I thought back, trying to see if we’d met. I was sure I would remember meeting a face like his. “No. Not at all. Why?”

            “I…uhh…I thought we’d met before, that’s all,” he said, raising his right elbow to turn and look at me straight on.

            “Oh.” I looked out at the ocean for a moment. The seagulls played over the water, and in the distance I saw dolphins splashing around. It was oddly peaceful, the water sweeping like that. I felt a tad rude, so I turned back to him and smiled. “Well, I’m Christa. Christa Haynes.”

             “Louis Tomlinson,” he said in his wonderful accent.

            “Why are you here, Louis?”

            He looked at me, seemingly shocked that I would have to ask. “Well, on vacation, of course,” he said, smiling. Already I felt like he was sheltering himself from me, but I was used to that, so I just nodded. If he wanted to play games like that, fine. Two could play.  

            It was quiet for a few minutes, both of us swept away by the sight of the ocean. Soon I heard snoring, and I turned around to see Louis completely knocked out on his towel. I removed my umbrella to attempt to get some sun, and before I knew it, my two hours that I had allotted myself had vanished. It was time for me to head in to unpack my things.

            Louis, however, apparently had nothing more to do. He still snored, every once in a while mumbling a few words about ‘rocking out’. I silently arose from my chair and gathered my things, leaving the umbrella over Louis so that he didn’t burn. That was my last gift to him, and hopefully (though it wasn’t likely) we would meet again.


            I dreamed of the band and the wonderful sounds of concert. I dreamed of Harry and his haunting smile, our special friendship and the wonderful fans we’d met. More importantly, I dreamed of the wonderful girl, Christa, who would be by my side when I awoke.

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