Shifting Sands <3 (Chapter 8)

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Da picca on the right?? It's Asher Brook (a.k.a HOLDEN!)

well, guyas! :)

I had a temporary laspe in judgement. I came on my vacation prepared to have no access to a computer; yet GOD had granted me with a nice NEW computer at my grandmother's house! :) So I can post some this week! I love you guys, and hopefully this story will continue to play out like I plan!

Thanks be unto you for your wonderful dedication to me story! special shoutouts to eclipse3318 and McCreeryChick4- you guys have commented on almost every chapter, I think! :)


Chapter 8- Shifting Sands



            “You’re what?” I said, shaking my head. “Coming here?”
            Harry smiled, his voice seeming lengthier than usual. “Yes, Louis. The band’s going on a second tour. Niall and I are stopping by on our way to Raleigh next month.”

            “By my house?” I gasped, still shocked. I was so excited to see my old pals again. Besides that, I was really appalled at their great success without me. I guessed it was that big ego of mine, getting the better of me. But I couldn’t help the stab of jealousy that even since I’d separated from the band they could still land tours in the U.S and back home.

            On the other end of my laptop, Harry still grinned. “I knew you missed me,” he said cheekily. “Well, I wanted to pass along the news. But I’ve got to get ready for a concert later tonight,” he said. After saying goodbye, I shut my laptop. To be happy about the prospect of seeing Harry and Niall should have been my obvious response. Confusion… that was what plagued me now.

            How was I supposed to keep everything from Christa now, with the boys coming around? What if I couldn’t? She would most certainly never speak to me again. Now that I considered, she was bound to find out eventually. It was awful of me to try and hide such a huge ordeal. Right now, though, the lure of a gorgeous girl liking the real Louis was too much to just throw away. The notion that Christa (her name sounded wonderful in my thoughts) was into a crazy British boy like me was refreshing. It was so refreshing in fact that I had ignored, and would continue to ignore, all the logic of spilling the truth.

            This was the plan, that as long as I could I would savor this relationship with Christa. And maybe, when I did come clean, she would be the forgiving and honest person that I knew her to be. But if not, then I would be fine with going our separate ways. That was the vow that I told myself. And I hoped that all would work out.

            I considered Christa’s God. I’d never doubted the existence of God, but for some reason, the way that Christa regarded Him was comforting, peaceful. It shed Him in a new light for me, and I actually thought that someday I might have a faith in Him too. Right now, that faith seemed so close I could touch it. I wanted so badly to believe that an all-knowing God was planning my future before I even crossed it.

            I just hoped that I was placing my faith in the right hands.



            Strange how that on both Sundays that I had been attending this new church, nothing but a sultry kiss with a British guy had been on my mind. Last week it was the drunken kiss; the rushed and estranged encounter that had left me with thoughts of Holden. This week it was new… the slow yet persistent kiss from Louis on the moonlit beach. Both had been amazing, but yet they were polar opposites. How could it be that two totally different instances could leave me with the ill-fitted chills and daydreams during a church service? I would never know. But it was making me feel strange once more, the insistent thoughts that plagued me when I should have been listening to the Pastor.

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