Chapter 77 - The vice president

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In their resume of classes everything is going normal as the time still regular as always. In their second subject the teacher seems to be absent or he/she is present but maybe has a meeting to attend. Nishikata is all bored and wanted to go home early. later then someone just entered on their classroom to announce something.

"Announcement! Everyone!"


"Alright! I would like to announce everyone here but before that, Let me introduce myself. I'm Julia Nakashima the Vice President of student council."

(J-Julia? Wait is that...her?)

"To be honest... The president of student council should announce this but she was absent today so, I'll be in charge of announcing this event. In the 13th January will be the another night prom event. So then I have here a attendance paper. I'll give it to all of you make sure you write your name if you wanna attend the night prom. And of course-"

The vice president stopped talking as she looked at the corner was Nishikata. She was surprised and secretly smiled at him, as he reactly like flustered. 

"Alright this is only one paper and all of you must have write your names on the list."

The vice president came close to Nishikata and hand him the paper and told him to attend. Nishikata had no choice but to write his own name. Meanwhile Takagi took a peek on Nishikata while he writes his own name on the paper. She must've thought of something bad would happen so then she also wanted to write on her name.

"Nishikata... Could you uhh give me the paper? I'll also write my name there."

"Be patient there miss... It's supposed to be in a horizontal row. You must wait." Said the Vice president.

"H-Here miss."

"Oh you can give it to your seatmate. And please... You can call me Julia."

"Oh right Ms. Julia it is then."

"Yup! You're funny but also an awesome one!"


And after all students wrote their names the vice president announced the place will be in Rakashi hotel. And that time Julia told Nishikata that she'll be waiting there.

"Yes.. Ms. Julia." (Hehe she really is so cute! And on top of that she's beautiful!)

"Was that the vice president of the student council?"

"Yup she also volunteered to help decorate the school."

"I see."


(Julia huh.)

And after school Nishikata wanted to go home with Takagi. But then he has plans with his friends to play but then Takagi knew that he had some plans with his friends so she let him be with them. Takagi walks home alone on while she was about to turn side to the stairs and coincidencely meet up the Vice president. They like they don't see each other.

"Hmm... This is a problem."


"Students who do not greet the student council? How shame."

"I guess so."

"Nice to meet you... Vice president."

"That's more like it."


"Oho! Aren't you a batchmate? A Grade 10 student?"

"Yeah and you're... Julia right?"

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