Chapter 36 - Dancing with the Queen

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"We've arrived now!"

"S-So this is... The place. S-So huge."

"Well after all this is a hotel."

"Yeah! Let's go everyone."

(K-Kinda makes me embarrassing wearing this outside)

They went inside the hotel as Nishikata walking like not a matured gentleman. Kaito told him to act natural. But he can't just because he's not used to it. While on the entrance the guard ask for a invitation they show up the invitation and let through.

"Man so cold in here, so exciting!"

"Hey look it's Mino!"

"Yoo! Mino!"

"Huh? Hey you guys I missed you already!"

"So glad that you attend the prom Mino and you really look good there."

"Heck yeah! By the way they said the food in here is so delicious so I just attend this event just for the food ya know hahaha!"

"Hahaha Mino you're such a greedy!"

"Oh hey Nishikata! How's a going? You're very handsome there."

"Oh him? Tch he is acting like dull mood a while ago."

"Really? Guess you haven't changed Nishikata."

"I-It's not that it's just I'm too embarrassed to wear this outside."

"Man you're not use to wear it right?"

"Probably..." *turns around*



"Ohh what? My invitation's gone! Must've forgotten to bring it."

"H-How am I supposed to go in?"

"Hold there miss. Your Invitation card."

"U-Uhh sorry mister but... I forgot it. Is it okay if I pass trough."

"Sorry No can do miss you can't enter til you have the invitation card."




Then Nishikata throws his Invitation card. Takagi went through with Nishikata's Invitation card.

"Thank you Nishikata, that was a good idea!"

"Nah! Don't mind it." *blushes*

"Wow! Nishikata you look gentleman in that outfit."

"Hmph! T-Thanks."

"But you're face is all red though are you blushing?"

"Huh? N-No way I'm not!"

"Heheh! Ok then oh hey shall we go together?"

"Y-Yeah sure!"

"Oh wait forgot to give it back. Here Thanks again."

"Yeah ok!"

The two went going together as the other students were waiting on the lobby. They have no idea why are they still in the lobby as Nishikata checks his Invitation card.

"So we have a things to follow huh?"

"Really? Let me see?"

"I see... so we have to wait here til 8 pm"

"Yeah!" (I wonder what are these events then?)

I didn't know that there are many events we have in here. There's this Entrance ceremony where a Man and a Lady will walk on the center and greets each other, and the gentleman assign her in her seat. Men and Ladies must be separated on a entrance in order to do that. Then after that the speech of our guests and the principal of the school.

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