Chapter 53 - She have a part time job

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To think of it Takagi always go by herself now when the class dismissed. I wonder if she wanted to go home by herself or is she go with someone else? I bet it's a friend of her.

"Alright class dismissed! Just this one reminder don't forget to bring your homework for tomorrow okay?"

(Alright this time I will ask her out.)

"Hey Taka-"

"See you tomorrow Nishikata."


(W-What was that just now?)

(Seems like she's in a hurry...)

I heard her mumbling while she was running through out the classroom. She said she'll be late.... Late for what? I wouldn't mind by that now since I have a time to spare for myself now. I also left the classroom and saw Touma and Mino.

"Heeey! It's been a while Nishikata!"

"Ehh? Like we just voice chatting together on a video game everyday."

"Yeah but I kinda missed you already. So how's your section?"

"P-Pretty good so far."

"Hey... you're not with your girlfriend today. Something happened."

"For the last time Touma! I won't ever repeat this to you. She is not my girlfriend!"

"Fine! I'm not gonna say that anymore. So... are you free this time? Let's go on an arcade me and Mino will have fun in there."

"Really? Sure I will come."

Touma treat me on an arcade. He said that he had his allowance filled since summer just so he prepared it for this day. Yes we had a lot of fun playing on arcades.

"Hey Nishikata aren't you bothered?"

"Huh me? No... why?

"Well I just thought you guys aren't going well."

"Oh... well I kinda worried to."

"All this time she never go home with me. I think she had a problem with me or was something about her parents."

"So you are worried too?"

"I-It's not that I'm worried."

"I can't take her chances to tease me anymore. It's better if I would just ignore her for the rest of our lives."

"Why! Don't you want to be with her?"

"Eh? I... do want to but... At the same time I don't."

Ughh! "Maybe we shouldn't talk about it."

After that we got separated by now since I'll be going home soon. I wanted to tell myself isn't it fun to be with her? Why does she always have to tease me like that? What was her intention on near future? I can't believe they kept asking me about Takagi... It keep me realizing that this is wrong. It wanted me to realize she's the best one for me.

(I should stop thinking and go home It's getting late too.)

Nishikata walked on the street looking depressed as usual. He was so tired that he needs to sleep early. Then this came in front of him running towards him like the person is in a rush. He looked at the girl who is running on him. He thought that was her running because of the face. He think twice it again if that was her running like she was in a rush. He followed her even though it's far away from him now.

(Is that what I just saw?)


"Thank you very much for your help young lady."

My Skilled Teaser Classmateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें