Chapter 32 - I Love You.

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School days become more exciting because of the remaining school days. I've been lazying around the school because nothing's gonna do anymore. Then I looked at Takagi san, she's been studying for whole this week. I wonder what's keeping her force to study.

"Hey Takagi san."

"Hm? Hi there Nishikata."

... (It seems that she's focusing on her academics. I wonder if her grades went down or was just she working hard to maintain her grades?)

"What're you doing? Shouldn't you be teasing me?"

"Huh? Really you want me to tease you?"

"W-Well... yeah sure go ahead and tease me." (As if I have a plan to catch her.)

*Takagi closed her book* "So. You'd admit that you love being teased?"

"No! T-That's not what I mean't."

"Hmm? Well what is it?"

"Look I uhh... I'm being curious why are you studying so hard this week?"

"Heehh? Isn't it supposed that our periodic exam will be this week?"

"Huh? P-Periodic exam?"

"Yeah! Today's exam will be hard Nishikata. Wait aren't you going to study?"

(P-Periodic Exam? S-Since when did that announced?)

"Last week monday."

"L-Last week?! Oh jeez I wasn't listening again."

"Pfft HAHAHA! You completely forgotten aren't you?"

"Keh! Fine I've got to study." (Shit there is no way I can mess up Takagi san today.)

"Hey Nishikata! Wanna have a group study?"

"T-Takagi san ehh... I'm not sure."

"Come on it's fine. don't be embarrassed."

*Blushes* "I-I'm not embarrassed! I just wanna study myself."

"But self studying isn't going to help you since the exam will be that hard."

"O-Okay." (Jeez! what's with her. She's really being nice to me.)

"So. What shall we study today?"

"Huh? Eh.. umm.. I-I don't know since I forgotten to know what lesson we've gathered."

"Ohh you're really are in trouble. Okay let see here look I'll suggest what topic shall we study then."

"Okay. What is it?"

"It's about how much I like you Nishikata."

*Blushes* (E-Ehhh? T-Takagi san?)

"W-What did you say? Is that even our topic?"

"Yup! Aren't you glad that is our topic for today?"

"Y-You're just messing with me aren't you?"

"Nope. I'm serious.... So how would you like me to confess my feelings to you?"

(I-Is she even serious about that. She knew there were many people around here but. W-Why is she confessing?)

"I like you. Is that ok?"

*blushes* "U-Umm..."

"Would you like me to say it again?"

(UWAA! If I say yes she'll definitely tease me)

"So. What's in your mind Nishikata?"

(What should I do? She cornered me she always does this everytime!)

I opened my book as I started reading. I completely ignore her as she is keep on staring at me. I don't know what was in her mind why did she said it. I can't get off my eyes at her as I repeatedly moving my eyes up and down. I could say it is so distracting for me to read the book while she was staring at me.

"Will you quit staring at me it's disturbing."

"Well then I need atleast to hear your answer so I'll just start studying then."

"Huh? W-What answer?" (I'll just pretend I forgot about it.)

"You know. Didn't I just said it a while ago?"

"Hmm? Dunno what you're saying."

Takagi went closer and whispered.

"Nishikata, I like you."

*looked away* (Tch. Not again.)

"There I'd remember it to you. I want atleast your answer."

(S-She's gonna hate me when I say I don't. But if I do she's gonna tease me again.)

"I like you. I like you very much."

"Wouldn't you just say I love you? Since you like me then." (Darn it! this is embarrassing well that's just came into my mind)


(W-Wait did I.... say something that's beyond rude?)

(S-She's not responding at all. As if she's just staring at me looking confused)

"W-Wait I was just... j-joking I can't believe I said that. T-Takagi san look can we just quit asking things like that. It's really embarrassing. So much."

"Huh? You okay Takagi san?"

*giggles* "So is that what you want me to say Nishikata?"

"Whaa? No I jus-"

"I love you Nishikata."

*blushes* "T-Takagi san!"


"And there you go again you're saliva is falling off."




"Pff. HAHAHAHAHA! What's the matter Nishikata? You suddenly woke up."

(Crap I slept! T-That was just a dream?)

"So Nishikata what did you dream today?"

"Huh? N-Nothing Takagi san." (If she find it out she's gonna make fun of me. Ughh man I wet her book. T-This is not good.)

"Oh I already find it out. Is it that I confessed my feelings on you and you want me to say beyond I like you?"

"Whaaaaaaa!!! How did you know!"

"Well it's written in the book. See."

(Ehhhh! What a crap! Even the book does make fun of me what a crap!!)

"Class dismissal go home and study!"

"Yes sir!"

"So Takagi san. I just came up with a new plan to beat you. I inviting you to go home together."

"Ok Sure I wanna know what plan are you going to do."

(As expected she's always confident as ever. Like I have a plan for you, you freak! I don't have any ideas how to beat you.)



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