Chapter 60 - A Date Plan

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Nishikata went out for a walk while he had those kind of plan to do something. It is something to impress Takagi on his plan, he was thinking the best way to have a hang out with her since he saved money every week. Also with a nice plan to prank and tease her he also try to know what was the best thing to tease her.

What could be the best thing to hang out with her. It should be something that is fun and at the end.... I would break up her happiness with some hilarious tease.

(Hmm... What could it be?)

(A date?... A dinner date? Wait WHAT? What is this coming through my mind? I never thought something like this before.)

(T-This is weird I need to set something really good.)

He saw a couple riding a bike together having fun as they went pass through Nishikata.

(What?... Should it be a date? Like I don't know what I need to do.)

(Ughh whatever it is! Just I need to set a plan for this.)

(I Should Go Back Home.)


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