Chapter 25 - Christmas Vacation

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The school days has ended and they almost have 1 month of christmas vacation. It was winter and everyone is excited to see the snow. Nishikata just staring at the window. He likes the feels of christmas vacation.

(Christmas Vacation is so fun!! Just staying here and do nothing! I like the winter though it's so snowy.)

He took his phone and he was about to message Takagi. But he hesitates because she might tease him again. he leave the phone on his desk and keeps on staring at the window.

(W-Why am I like this... I'm always ignoring her... I can always tell, I'm not that really suited for her. The gap between us is... so far! far far away.)

"Damn it! Why!! This is supposed to be my rest day but why am I thinking about her?"

*Phone rings*

"Huh? Someone's calling on me." (As I pick up my phone I saw a random person calling on me with a random phone number.)

"Huh? It's requesting me a video call. Fine let me see who's this." (I pick up the call and the only I saw was...)

"Hello Nishikata!"

"Uwaaa! Takagi - san so it was you calling on me."

"HAHAHA! Did I scare you too much?"

"Uhh N-No uhh I mean yeah I thought it was someone since it's a random number that was put in."

"No this is my new number I got a new phone yesterday and I tried to call you once today."

"Ohh really congrats on your new phone. Where were you now? It looks like you're in outside."

"Well I was taking a walk, what about you? Are you free today?"

"Huh? M-Me uhh I don't know maybe my mom's gonna call me later."

"HmmMm... I see..."

(Ughh... This is so embarrassing!)

"Wow I don't know you look cute when I saw you on my phone."

"W-What did you say?" (I'm not cute!)

"Yes you are! And you're blushing!"

(H-How did this girl read my mind?!)

"Because I know what were you thinking Nishikata."

(I knew it she'll say something like that.)

"T-Takagi - san! c-could you be that you have a psychic powers in order to read my mind?"

"Pffft! HAHAHAHA! What was that thing Nishikata of course I don't have."

"T-Then could you be you're an alien who just came from outer space and live by-" (W-What am I saying this is ridiculous I have to stop!)

"Oh hey Nishikata! Can you come with me later? We have a lots of fun later."

"U-Uhh I'll tell my mother."

"Good I'll be waiting for you at the Rozan's Park. See you!"

"Yeah!" (Jeez why did I have to come with her? damn it!)

"Ughh!! Mooom! Can I go outside? I have no other things to do today so..."

-End Of Chapter 25-

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