Chapter 13 - Semester Break

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The first semester of their school is about to end. The teacher told them that they will have a long week vacation. The students we're all quiet until the teacher suddenly gets out the classroom, they shout out loud because that they will have a long vacation. Nishikata is almost excited to have a long vacation. He has so many plans on a vacation. A later on while Nishikata is walking home he's planning what will he do on a vacation. But only thing he will do is play some video games all day instead of studying because of their Perodic Exam is almost nearby.

"Long Vacation Week is coming! I wanna make myself enjoy this moment."

"Nishikata! Are you going home?"

"Ughh! not this again, Oh Takagi - san what's wrong?"

"Wanna walk together? I feel kinda lonely."

"Y-Yeah sure if you say so."

And then so they walk home together and they we're having a conversation. Takagi told him that there's a nice place to eat because she was hungry all along. Nishikata is not really interested on some kind of places that is new to him.

"Hmm? I'll guess was it the best place you've gathered?"

"Yes! And you will like it I swear."

"If you say so Takagi - san. Then I guess I'll come."

"Long Week Vacation is coming! I'm so excited, right Nishikata?"

"Yeah! Me too I already had plans doing this coming week."

"Hey since it's a vacation wanna go then?"

"What? You mean the place you were talking about? Hmm I'll think about it."

"But you said you will come? Do you really have plans to do on a vacation Nishikata?"

"Yeah like more of it though."

"I bet the only thing comes in your mind was to play video games all day was it?"

"N-No It's not that *actually yeah I guess so*."

"I knew it HAHAHAHA come on be more free from this world It's not just video games you were doing in your life Nishikata. Oh wait I've got an idea."

"Huh? What is it Takagi - san?"

"How about I'll go to your house and play videogames together how was it?"

"Uhh. Takagi - san that's a little bit to embarrassing. Bringing a classmate to my house who's a girl and likes to tease me. Plus I only have 1 controller on my house, so probably we can't play then."

"Oh you think so? Then I'll bring my own."

"Ehh? What did you say. Bring your own?"

"Yup. I also have some on my house you know"

"(C-Come to think of it Takagi - san's also a gamer?)"

"I know what's on your mind and it really makes me feel funny about it."

"Pfft! HAHAHAHA! Of course I don't have one Nishikata jeez you really are so funny!"

"Ehh! You liar!"

"Then how about Tandem Riding?"

"It's fine by me I also have the bike but I don't use it to go to school. You think we can use my bike?"

"Why are you asking me? Of course we can as long as we have a bike. Wait does that have a seat behind it?"

"Yeah! And it looks cool than yours Takagi - san."

"Great we can use it. You think we can Tandem Ride properly?"

"I'm not sure! But we'll try and uhh first of all. PLEASE LET ME PLAY VIDEO GAMES FIRST!"

"Ehh? Then what time shall we do the Tandem Riding then?"

"H-How about tomorrow afternoon. Think you can do that?"

"Hmm? How about I stay on your house until afternoon so we can Tandem Ride."

"Huh? Why then?"

"Because I'm really getting bored on my house so I thought it would be fun if you invite me to go to your house."

"Because you wanna see me playing video games?"

"Exactly! I'm also interested on a video game though, but I can't afford to buy one."

"Fine you can come just as long as you shouldn't do anything worse on my house."

"Sure I'll be your guest tomorrow."

-End Of Chapter 13-

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