Bakugo: Ugh...

He found it tasted bitter....and yet took another sip. 

Bakugo: I guess its not so bad.

Out in the city

Izuku in his casual clothes with his back pack on. Started to parkour and jump through the roof tops of his city. Eventually  grabbing his web shooters from his back pack and attaching them to his wrists. He then web zipped higher and higher onto a building. Eventually taking one big swing to land on top of a building. He then looked over the bridge the police report mentioned earlier. Unable to see what monster they were talking about. However could see it push cars out of the way. 

Izuku: That could be him. Time to suit up and kick some butt. 

Izuku then started to change and take his clothes off. Switching into his spiderman costume that was inside his back pack. 

A random citizen car ride on the bridge 5 mins before the Lizard shows up

Inside of a silver SUV sat 3 people. 2 women in the front. One blond passenger and a brunette driving. In the back seat was a young boy. Only about 6 years old. The boy himself was gloomy. Only looking down at his phone playing some game which he didn't even seem to enthusiastic about. His eyes were always covered by his hat that had 2 horns on it. The 2 women in the front had started to worry about the traffic ahead of them.

Ryuko: Hey Mandalay, what do you think is taking the traffic so long?

Mandalay: I don't know Ryuko. It shouldn't be this bad... unless something happened.

Ryuko: Should we check it out? Can you use telepathy to see what's happening.

Mandalay: We can't remember we have Kota in the car with us. Plus I already told you before that I cant read minds. I can only project my own thoughts. We'll just wait for now. It's only been 20 minutes of bad traffic. 

Ryuko: Oh right. Sorry I feel stupid for asking after weve been a team for so long. 

The two woman were both pro heroes. Part of the wild wild pussycat feline hero team. Today was there day off and Mandalay and Ryuko both decided to spend it going out with Mandalay nephew Kota. Mandalay quirk was telepathy which allowed her to speak in someone's mind. Ryuko quirk was Earth Flow which allowed her to manipulate the earth around her. However as the 3 of them waited in the car. Kota had thought he heard something. Picking his head up from his phone. 

Kota: Hm?

Kota was not really one for words. He didn't really talk much ever since he lost his parents. Both of them died in service trying to stop a villian. Ever since then Kota has shown a dislike towards Heroes. Never understanding why his parents had to die. Why they choose to leave him behind. Which also created a divide between him and his aunt along with all her other co-workers who are also pro heroes. As they continued to wait Mandalay kept her head forward and on the road and stopped traffic. Ryuko then briefly looked at the rear view mirror. As she did her eyes instantly shot open and she reached out for Kota in the back seat. Putting his head down. 


A car had flown from out of the sky landing on top of there own SUV. Causing the roof of the SUV to cave in. Shattering the surrounding glass and even hitting Ryuko in the head who leaned over to protect Kota. Kota open his eyes in fear. Seeing someone he saw as another Aunt or Guardian have blood run down there face. 

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