Sixty Nine

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Chapter Sixty Nine: Irons

Cade and I decided to hold off on a proper honey moon until we had everything with the kids all squared away since we both knew I'd be worrying the whole time if we did go anywhere.

So even though we opted on a staycation, it wasn't much of a relaxing event since we still had so much to do around the pack as Alpha and Luna, as well as Mister and Missus Irons in lieu of getting the kids adopted.

"I'm exhausted." I sighed as I sat in the car on our way to the adoption agency.

"I know My Flower." He said as he lifted my hand to his mouth, "Maybe we'll get some good news."

"I hope so." And I had wholeheartedly meant my words...I did in fact hope with everything in me that we could finally get some answers as here were were almost three weeks after the wedding and still coming up blank.

This was a process I wouldn't wish on anyone, all the uncertainty, the draw out wait periods...knowing you have a good home and all the love to give to children only to potentially be told that it isn't enough.

For us as Alpha and Luna, we faced a different set of challanges since the adoption agency had all but actually said, we'd love any biological children we'd have and play favorite to our biological children over any adopted children we take in.

If only they knew how hard we were fighting to have all of our children seen and treated as equals...adopted children we don't even have yet and biological children we may never even have.

It didn't take long for us to get to the agency and Cade and I held strong together as we entered.

We met with our case manager Victoria.

"Welcome back Alpha and Luna Irons...If you'll both join me in my office."

We followed her down the now familiar halls, I looked at the same pictures on the walls and we entered the exact office as usual.

Cade took my coat for me, I thanked him with a small smile and together we sat in the chairs in front of her desk.

"Alright Alpha and Luna Irons, I know this has been a lengthy process, but we've finally made it to the end in one piece." She smiled.

"Since there are three children involved we will go through each child and discuss the agencies determinations."

I reached out and took Cade's hand in mine, I could feel is worry.

"In the case of Wren Smith, you have been granted the adoption."

I let out a wet chuckle, and Victoria handed me the tissues.

She also handed us pens and Cade and I signed off on all the paperwork, and after we had finished we were officially and legally someone's parents now.

"Congratulations, I know this can be overwhelming especially when it's something you've been trying for, for some time now." She added.

I nodded.

"Wren will be transitioning out of the Orphange and into your home over the course of the next week, you will have two weeks to make any changes to all legal documentation and get him enrolled into a school closer to your fmaily home."

Cade and I nodded.

"In the Case of the baby Robert Jones, your request had been denied..."

"What?" I asked completely in shock, I never wanted the children to be seperated.

She nodded, "In this case it was nothing against your application Alpha and Luna Irons, it was simply a matter of timing...another couple had submitted an application a couple of weeks before the both of you, He will be going to a loving family so please let your heart find peace in that."

I knew she was right, all I really wanted was the kids going to a good home where people would love them, but it hurt knowing it wouldn't be our home.

"And finally in the Cora Daniels, your application is pending."

"What?!" Cade shouted.

"Alpha Irons, please remember that this isn't you being denied, simply us saying she can't be adopted by you two just yet."

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"In all honesty and no disrespect whatsoever, Wren was a quick approval due to his age, older children are hardly adopted so when you two took the interest in him the higher-ups pushed it through, but with Cora...she's still young...-"

"So basically what I'm hearing is we can take her if no better offers come along." I said angrily, "This isn't a bid...this is a child's life, a little who will be heartbroken when Wren and Robbie leave and she's left behind." I cried "A little girl who will think she's not good enough, and unwanted."

"I-I'm sorry, I really am...I tried everything to get Cora to be approved but my hands are tied."

"Who do I have to talk to, to get this to go through?" Cade growled, his Alpha authority was pouring out of him.

"I can give you their names, but once again unfortunately I don't think there's anyting you can do...this is the law."

Cade stood up and I joined him, He looked at her angrily, this was a side of him I had never seen before.

"I am Alpha Cade Irons of the IronSmith Pack...I am the Law."



I took my Luna's hand and grabbed her coat before we left the office.

"Cade my Love slow down." Daisy said as we exited the building.

I was so angry that I hadn't even realized I was speed walking and essentially dragging my mate behind me.

"I'm sorry My Flower...are you alright." I asked.

She nodded and then stepped in to give me a hug.

In her attempt to comfort me she couldn't hold her own emotions back and began to cry...I was pissed.

Pissed because these people would just so carelessly handle a child's life as if it was nothing.

I couldn't even being to imagine little Cora all alone in the orphange, no one to play one to have dinner with, waking up to the empty orphange and going to bed in the empty orphange.

I was also pissed that my wife was so upset and it seemed like there was nothing I could do to bring her happiness right now.

"Please don't cry My Flower... I'll find a way to fix this."

She looked at me and I dried her face, her eyes told me she had every trust in me to make this right, and one way or another I would have to make sure we could bring our daughter home with us.

I took Daisy home, there was no way she'd be able to face any of the children today with out breaking down in front of them. She called Blithe over and she rushed over with Ieston.

We told them everything.

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