Thirty One

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Thirty One: Nicked pt. Two

I felt as he teeth has nicked my skin and I panicked and immediately pushed him off of me.

I got up in a hurry and quickly moved to the attached restroom to inspect my neck.

"Shit" I heard him say before he began apologizing over and over but I was too preoccupied to pay him any attention at the moment.

I looked at my neck and there definitly was two little scratches about half an inch long bright red... a blaring contrast to my skin.

While I don't mind Cade as a person, and Yes I like him and of course I'm very attracted to him, he isn't my mate or my husband so I'm not so fond of being marked by him and being tied to him...especially when I didn't exactly have a say in the matter.

With a sigh I pulled myself together as I knew this was an accident and he didn't fully mark me persay and he was probably feeling like shit about the whole thing...and I'm sure my reaction didn't help anything.

I walked out of the restroom and found him awaiting my response.

"Well...I think I'll live." I said lightly and smiling at him, I didn't want him to beat himself up over this. "I mean I'd say no blood no foul...but on the off chance that it could get infected, could you please seal it shut?"

He looked at me nervously. "I'm really sorry about that Daisy, I got too carried away in the moment...-"

"Cade, It's alright." I said as I walked over to him and gave him a hug, I dont know why but it just really looked like he needed a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me slowly, "I fucked up."

"Would you just lick me and get over it." I sounded.

She chuckled a little before he sighed "I could have marked you."

"Then you'd of been stuck with me, But you didn't sooo..."

He smiled down at me, before he reached up and caressed my face, "I don't think that'd be such a bad thing by the way." He said before he lowered his mouth back to my neck.

This time there were no tickles and giggles, this time I stood there as the weight of his admission to not minding me having his mark mixed with the slow motion of his tongue caused my hert to beat, my wolf to awaken, and my soul to ignite.

An involuntary gasp fell from my mouth.

It was in that moment that I knew I was I hadn't taken his mark, but something in his tender ways and acceptance of me pulled me in all the way, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go slow or deny my feelings for him any longer or I'd risk losing him.

I knew I had to tell him the truth about my mate rejecting me, he had the right to know.

He kissed my cheek and smiled, "Why don't we get out of here before we get into any more trouble."

I had every intention of telling him about my rejection but perhaps this wasn't the right time as the words stuck in my throat and I simply nodded and followed him, I had forgotten I took my heels off downstairs earlier.

I stepped into my heels and Cade fixed his shirt and put his tie back on but opted out of wearing his jacket for his suit. He grabbed his keys and opened the door for me before he locked up and took my hand into his.


"Hey you two." Blithe sounded excitedly as she answered the door. She hugged both Cade and I before she showed us in.

"Well Cade you've been here before but Daisy Hun, welcome to my house, please make yourself at home...while you're here you are family, and that's a rule." She smiled and nudged me playfully before we walked into the kitchen.

Ieston smiled and waved at us, "Sorry I'm not gonna be in...fixing to take these out to the grill." He said as he gestured toward the platter of meat he was preparing to be barbecued.

"Hey man I'll join you."

"Cool, grab us some beers." Ieston said as he picked up the platter, he smiled at me as he passed and I think this was the most at ease I've seen him...granted I don't know him very well, but each time i've been around him he always seems standoffish or guarded.

"While they're out there we can grab a glass of wine and talk."

"I don't mind helping make a side dish or something."

"Girl." She said amused and shaking her head before she opened the fridge, She puleld out a bag of pre-made mixed salad, "Grab that bowl." She told me as she pointed to a large bowl on the counter. She opened the bag and tossed it in the bowl I handed her. " helped me make our side time."

I smiled and followed her lead, "It feels so good to just sit back and relax." She sighed as she took a seat on her sofa beside me. "How are you liking your stay Daisy?" She asked as she picked up the wine glass and filled it half way before handing it to me.

I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear, before I undid it as I remembered the scratches.

"It's been fun so far...I know Cade had mentioned that he's off on the weekends so I'm going to try and convince him to let me tag along with him to the packhouse."

"Something tells me that won't take much persuasion...and hey if you get bored, Ieston will be there...I'm sure he wouldn't mind showing you around the town if Cade gets swamped."

I shrugged, "I wouldn't bother him, I can explore on my own, I really don't mind."

"Well I'd go and hangout with you, but Weekends are usually the busiest for me at the museum." She sighed a little disappointed before she took a sip of her much smaller glass of wine.

"You work at the museum?"

She nodded, "I'm an art curator."

"That sounds so amazing...I'll have to stop by before I go home."

"Of course, It's right in the city not too far from Cade's office."

"Well, I will enjoy getting to see the other part of Ironside this weekend."

"I hate thinking you'll be leaving us...when are you going back home?"

I took a sip of the wine, of course it was delicious, "Well your cousin told my parents a week or two, so I guess it's up to him really...but possibly next Friday."

We talked some more and I got more comfortable on her sofa as I turned to face her, I had proped my elbow up on the sofa and held my palm against my neck with the tips of my fingers near the base of my hair.

But every now and again I'd let my fingers trace the small scratches Cade had left on me, and my eyes would look over to the windows in search of him...of course it being dark out I couldn't make him out so well from where I was sitting.

"So how'd you and Ieston end up together?" I asked.

She smiled and rolled her eyes..."That is a story." She sighed. "Honestly I always sorta saw him like a brother or a cousin since he was Cade's best friend...then over the years you know he was just always there alongside his younger step brother, his name was Benjamin, we called him Benny."

"I'm guess he's no longer here?"

She shook her head, "No he died...but yeah so one night Ieston and I were coming back from a concert and for the first time it was just the two of us and as we rode back and he grabbed my hand and When he brought me back to my house he kissed me goodnight and of course I sorta made-out with him since none of my family was around for the first time ever...and the rest is history."

I smiled. "Well I'm glad things worked out for you guys."

"Thanks...He loves me, and I love him but it actually took me a long time to accept his proposal."

I wanted to ask why she'd turn her mates proposals down but the guys walked in and I knew our conversation was over.

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