Fifty Seven

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Chapter Fifty Seven: Business

I was sitting in a meeting when I felt Daisy's worry all of a sudden so I couldn't text her like I wanted to.

I had only gotten her text telling me she was on her way back not too long ago so my wolf and I were now on edge and I couldn't wait for this fucking meeting to hurry up and end so that I could check on her and find out what was troubling my Mate.

Thankfully we had essentially gone over the big stuff and were speaking on the particulars and fine tuning the bigger shipment possibilities, I still had to also go and meet with my guard at some point today to inform them of the official change in ranks...but I knew that I would have to also fill Blithe in of all of the logistics that come along with being Beta and running the guard.

"Mister Irons...?"

I looked up and paid full attention now.

"We were asking if there was anything more you'd like to add before we conclude the meeting for now?"

I sat up and nodded, "Lets just make sure we are all on the same page, we'll have one of the interns type up the minutes and notes from today's meeting and also speak to the company investors and backers to make sure that this is the official direction we'd like to take the company in." I said with finality. "If everyone is on the same page then everything should be ready to go...I'll also be talking and working personally alongside Mister Brooks when it comes to the transporting of our supplies through his pack be it driving the trucks of shipments or shipping cargo."

The men seemed to all understand as I got collective nods and the meeting was then called to an end and I immediately went into my office.

I sent Daisy a Text and hoped with everything that she'd respond quickly.

[Cade: My Flower please let me know everything is alright...I could sense your uneasiness and worry earlier.]

I was holding my phone when it began to ring and I answered it with a slight relief to hear her voice.

"Cade My Love I'm fine...after I text you I decided to also stop by the orphanage to say bye."

I understood now, My Mate is very attached to the children of the orphanage alongside the staff, no doubt this wouldn't have been an easy visit for her. "I'm so sorry you had to go alone My Flower, I wish I could have been by your side for that."

"Thank you for that Love, but I'm glad I was able to say goodbye and clear the air so to speak... I truly am on way now...You still at work?"

We talked for a bit more before I had to end the call to finish up my work so I could devote my evening entirely to her.


I got to the pack house and couldn't bring myself to assemble my pack guard, I decided that it would be better if I fill in Blithe first.

I was about to call Blithe over before I could feel my Mates presence.

I left the Pack house excitedly to greet her personally.

I smiled as I watched her car come into view and I watched as she rolled up her windows and then finally Turn off the engine and get out of the car.

Her gorgeous smile filled her lovely face beautifully and she seemed to illuminate my entire world now that she was back with me.

"Miss me?" She asked as she walked right up to me and wrapped her delicate little arms round my middle.

I smiled and hugged her tight, "You have no hungry?"

"Isn't it a little early for dinner?" She asked.

I looked at my watch, it was a little before five in the evening and to be honest I Just wanted to make sure she was fed...knowing my mate she wouldn't have eaten while out in an attempt to rush back.

"It's going on five now...we can grab and early dinner and then head home if you'd like."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you before we go home at the pack house though as I feel it's pack business."

I was curious but slightly humored as well, "You asking for an official meeting with the Alpha?" I asked a little teasingly but she nodded seriously so I dropped the lighthearted teasing and took her much more serious. "Very well, should we discuss business first?"

She looked at me then shook her head, "Lets have dinner first since I have a feeling you might not be too thrilled with our particular topic of discussion and I'd hate to have an awkward dinner."

Now I was really curious but I knew if she didn't want to talk about it right now I wouldn't pressure her.

I kissed her and nodded, "So dinner here in town versus the city tonight...lets get going and we can find a place on the way." I said before leading her to my car.

We decided on a seafood spot and I asked how her parents were and how the move went. Of course with her stopping by the orphanage Theo had arrived before her and I had given him my house key and instructed him to take her belongings back to our house so she could sort through them and put them away as she likes.

She told me about how supportive her parents were with the whole Blood Bonding and I couldn't have asked for a better scenario, I was genuinely glad that her parents were happy for us.

through out dinner I couldn't help but look over at her and marvel at how lucky I was to now call her my Mate.

"Do you know how much I love you My Flower?"

"I only hope your love for me will allow you to hear me out when we get back to the pack house My Love."

I nodded, "Of course I will hear you out and listen to you Daisy, as I've told you once before, the only persons option who even matters to me now is yours as my Mate and future Luna."

"Then as the future Luna then please believe that I will always do what I think is best for our Pack."

I took in a deep breath, I had no idea what she wanted to talk to me about but I was on edge and my wolf was worried, But as I had promised her I wanted to hear what she had to say, especially if she said it pertained to the good of our pack. "Well if you're done My Flower, I'll pay and we can leave."

She agreed and before I knew it we were driving back to the pack house.

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