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Chapter Fifty: Blood Bonding

"Will you become my mate?"

I had heard his words and yet they weren't making any sense to me.

"Daisy?" He asked a little worried.

I looked at him, "Cade, as much as I love you and wish We could've been mates from the beginning unfortunately we aren't and never can be."

"No, I know that we aren't mates My Flower...but there is a way that we can become's why I was up last night, But it is something that once done can never be undone...and I mean it's more permanant than the mark is but in the end we'd be real mates."

I was at a loss for words..."H-How?"

"Now don't freak out but it involves blood bonding."

"Blood Bonding?" I swear this was something I've never heard of before.

"It's an ancient practice, and not done very often as most mates tend to stay together but it's an old practice that one of the very first coucil members found useful for Mateless Alphas...back when they thought only mates could run a pack and didn't understand that a mark and Were Union would suffice."

"And we'd be mates?" I asked still unsure.

"In every single way."

"You know how to do it?" I questioned him.

He nodded, I read up on it last night, and what I couldn't find in my books I called an Ally, and one of the council members...but yes, it's actually scarily easy but I wanted you to know that I love you Daisy, and I never want you to feel like our love is any less valid than any other mated couple out there...more so, I want you to know that this is absolutely your choice to make and yours alone."

I understood now that he was doing all of this for me, for us. There was no malicious undertones, no Council guiding his actions. This had nothing to do with him as an Aloha or me an Alphas daughter, it was just a boy loving a girl, this was one hundred percent him and I.

"Let's entertain the idea for a moment...what would we have to do?" I wondered.

"Well first you reject that asshole Ieston."

I nodded as we knew I'd be getting that done today anyways.

"Then we mark each other, but instead of sealing it shut with the usual lick... you seal it shut with blood, to do that you open up your wrist and use the flowing blood from the main artery to seal it shut..."

My heart raced as it sounded really scary now, just the thought of cutting my wrist.

"I know, it's intense but even just scratching deep enough to draw even a little blood will work, I swear I would never do anyting to put you in harms way My we're Weres so any cut on us would heal within a few minutes."

"And that's it?" I asked.

"That's it...bite, bleed, bonded." He replied, "But again this is much much more permanent than anything else we'd ever do...even if you took my mark you could always reject me later on ...this way, a blood bonding means our souls, our wolves, and our bodies would always be bonded, even in the after life because you're taking my blood and I'll be taking yours."

I didn't know what to say and I think he took my silence as my rejecting the idea of the blood bonding.

"Now I know this is a lot...-"

"I want to do it." I said cutting him off.

"Daisy, I need you to seriously think this through."

"I want to," I said as I took his hand into mine.

I didn't care that we were in public, and that people could see us or possibly even hear us, I didn't care that I probably seemed like I was being impulsive right now...but I needed him to know how I felt and why I want this.

"I promise I've never wanted anything more in my whole life..." I could feel myself getting emotional now. "Do you know that growing up all I thought about was finding my mate, and getting a mate, and living my life alongside my Mate...then I had to live a life knowing I wouldn't have a mate...I became mateless, unwanted, and alone...and you're telling me that I CAN have a mate, and that YOU can be my mate, and you'd not only be my mate but I'm getting to choose you as my mate...My Love I don't know about you...but Cade, you're all I've ever wanted and more."

"So we're doing this?" He asked just as excited as I was now.

I nodded. "We're doing this... I can't wait to become your mate Cade Irons...everything else doesn't matter to me as long as I get to be yours for the rest of my life."

"And I will be yours forever My Flower...I just want to make you happy."

I nodded, "I don't think it's possible to be more happy than I am when I'm with you."

We both looked at each other, completely in love and completely devoted to one another. "So first we'll get the rejection out of the way...and then I want you to become my mate." I said.

"Like immediately after the rejection?" He asked with obvious aversions to blood bonding so openly at the pack house.

I shook my head but smirked. "I was thinking more along the lines of later tonight, at our house, you know much more intimate."

"Our house?" He smiled.

"Unless you don't want me to live with you all of a sudden."

"Hell no." He chuckled, "That place means nothing to me anymore if you're not there, I learned that the hard way and I wouldn't make that mistae twice."

We finished up brunch and Cade paid for our meal before we headed to the pack house.

"My parents are going to freak out...but in a good way I think." I said as we got into his car and headed to the Northside of town.

"Your parent's...Blithe's gonna lose her shit when she finds out, and she doesn't even know we're engaged...She's gonna want to plan the wedding and everything, trust me." He smirked. "Oh speaking of which...I need to call her and her husband over."

I took a deep breath while he drove and pulled out his phone. I listened as he spoke to his cousin, there was no playful banter like, now it was nothing but seriousness.

After he hung up he grabbed my hand and let his thumb trail over my engagement ring, a new habit I noticed he does when he's deep in thought or worried...right now I think it was a bit of both.

"They're already over there."

"I love you." I said to assure him.

He looked at me and smiled before he kissed my hand, "I love you."

We drove on in a comfortable silence and when we reached the pack house I let out a deep sigh. "Well time to get this over with I guess."

He turned off the car and unbuckled his seatbelt..."I'm going to be right there with you My Flower."

I unbuckled my own seatbelt and moved to kiss him, it wasn't romantic or seductive, but rather a little courage booster. After that we both got off the car and made our way inside."



Disclaimer: anything mentioned in my books is all that of make believe and you should NOT try and perform blood bonding...please DO NOT try self harming yourself as I am not advocating self harm or suicide.

More importantly, if you feel like you need help please reach out to someone you trust and talk to them, let them help you or let them get you the help you need. Your lives are much more precious and important than anything else.

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