Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six: Offspring

As the day of our wedding came closer than ever My mother and Blithe were running around like crazy getting everything finished up because Cade and I had quite a few appointments now that we've decided to go down the adoption road.

Of course we were excited but it was very overwhelming at times, not to mention we hadn't told anyone about us adopting.

You see after we were 100 percent sure adopting the kids was the best thing for us, we had to take an unconvential approach by presenting the offer to the council to see if they would approve us to adopt kids or deny us altogether.

Once we get the okay from them then we can go ahead with going through the adoption agency and submit our application to adopt the children.

If our application is accepted and we do get to adopt the children then we have to start the process of having all of their documentation changed to carry Irons as their last name and get them all moved into out house.

Of course even with council approval, Cade and I still ask must be married before we can submit our applications for the kids, because no one would let us adopt as unmarried.

We had already spoken with the council over the phone and they showed major signs of hesitation, until I assured them I'd be taking steps into having my own "natural" children.

Once they heard that Cade and I did still plan on having biological children they were a little more at ease.

Of course being the council they love to remind us all who holds the true power and instead of giving us an answer, asked us to meet them in person.

And since Our meeting is this afternoon, after talking with my mate I decided to take matters into my own hands and remove my Birth Control.

"Are you alright My Flower?" Cade asked me as we drove into the Northside to have our meeting with the council (who had come down for the wedding anyways)

"Just kinda of sore from getting the birth control taken out." I admitted with a sigh..."The doctor assured me it'd pass by tonight, quicker if I shift but I didn't have the time."

"What do you mean...Daisy, nothing can be more important than your health Love...after our meeting we can go for a run." He sounded concerned.

I shook my head. "My wolf will want yours if she sees him and I want to give myself a couple of days to make sure everything is good."

He nodded, "Of course My Flower...but I still think you should shift after the meeting." He said as he pulled the car up to our packhouse where the council membes were staying alongside my family members who had traveled in for the wedding. "It will tremendously put my wolf and I at ease knowing you're not in pain...we hate not being able ot help you." He admitted.

I kissed him and assured him I would shift after we talked to the council members. together we exited the car and made our way intothe packhouse.

We told my parents hi and were quickly approached by the council, to which Cade directed us all to his office.

Cade and I entered and he offered me his seat behind the desk and he stood behind the chair while the three Council men sat down in front of the desk.

"After reviewing your request for adoption we really have no reason to deny you, so we offer you that bit of good news." One of them said.

I looked at Cade and he smiled down at me.

"But we must go forward from is natural for Alpha's and their Lunas' to produce offspring to one day inherit and keep the pack with the same familial bloodlines." Another said.

"Yes," The last of them spoke up, "How will you ensure that the pack remains with an Irons always taking the helm of Alpha of the IronSmith Pack?"

"To be honest, this is something none of us can assure as we cannot speak for the fates." Cade spoke up clearly. "Try as we might there are many things that can cause My mate and I to never have children of our own, but I also have a cousin Blithe Wells formerly Irons...if for any reason Daisy and I are unable to produce, then her children would take over as Alphas upon my stepping down."

They nodded, "Furthermore we have to make abundantly clear that your blood born children must take precedence when it comes to your title as Alpha, UNLESS no Irons children are born either from yourself or your cousin...there must always be Irons blood with the title, not just the name...least there be no blood born Irons then the eldest of your adopted children will take the role, BUT if at any time and genuine Irons blood family members step forward they can take claim to the title."

"We have every intension to having our own children Sirs." I said.

They all nodded, "And we are glad to hear it Miss Brooks, we understand your willingness to give a good home to these childrena and believe it or not we genuinely applaud you both for taking on the task of raising young ones of our kind, it's an admirable thing that not everyone would do."

"We just want to keep everything straightforward and with as little gray areas as possible."

"I have a propostion..." Cade sounded.

"Alpha Irons." One of them acknowledged.

"If the time comes for me to step down I want you all to know now that I will want my sons to take over for me, I will raise all of my sons and daughters to be good leaders, and never feel like one is more special than the others...that's why even if Daisy and I have a child together our first biological child will be at the very least 15 years younger than my oldest son already..."

My whole heart melted hearing Cade already calling Wren our Son.

"I know I won't be around forever, nor will my cousin, but what will remain is my knowledge and my teachings, and the true core values of our family and this pack will be carried in all of our children...but the one who will have that all the longest will be my oldest son Wren." He said.

That's why when I step down as Alpha I want my Oldest son Wren to take my place until any child of mine and Daisy's reaches the age of 25."

"25?" One of them sounded concerned.

"Brother 25  that is the highest age we have entry Alphas, but it isn't uncommon." One of them said to counter an argument betwen Cade and the three of them.

"Again, My Mate and I plan on having children biologically, but even if she somehow miraculously gave birth tomorrow with my 25 year limit..." He said "I'm already in my thrities, that'd put me in my fifties and I should be enjoying my new retirment instead of worrying that I stepped down too soon..." He sighed this time.

"Realistically it could be at least a year for us to have our own child, and theres no guarantee our first child together would be a boy either...yes female Alphas aren't anything knew but ever IronSmith Alpha has always been a Male."

"What you say Alpha Irons makes sense...this is something we will have to discuss further, if you will give us a few moments to speak amongst ourselves."

Cade and I left the office and waited for them to reach an agreement..."Time for you to shift, everything else can wait....please."

I couldn't deny his one worry filled request, and I got up, kissed him, and then left to shift in the back yard past the gardens and ran in the forest for a couple of minutes before shifting back and rejoining him in waiting.

"Do you think they'll agree to let Wren or even Robbie be an Alpha one day?"

Cade shook his head, "I don't know for sure My Flower... the council men are steeped in tradition but they're also realists." He sighed, "it's all up in the air really."

I hugged him and he rubbed my back.

"When the office door finally opened they walked out, they looked at us and nodded, "Alpha Irons, you made valid points and we will allow the ascension of your oldest son, biological or otherwise to fill the role of Alpha upon your stepping down.

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