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Chapter Sixty: Insight

"Blood Bonding?" She asked once again after I had told her all about it, and even went through the steps.

I nodded, "Yes Blood Bonding, but Cade told me it's Permanent and can never be undone since it ties our souls together and not just our bodies."

"And anyone can do it?" She asked.

"I'd imagine, so long as both parties are consenting of course...but do you think this is the best thing to do right now Blithe?" I asked not wanting her to do anything out of desperation.

"He's all I've wanted Daisy, I've always hated knowing he could be someone else' you said he's my chosen mate...he's always been my chosen guy...I messed up by asking him to leave instead of facing our issue alongside him, but we've been working on it...My wolf's forgiven him and I know I was just being stubborn about pretenses...but like I said, Daisy, I just can't imagine anyone else."

"Well..." I sighed, "I'm harldy anyone to tell you what to do with your own life...but if this is something you feel strongly about then it is an options available to anyone really."

"D-Does it hurt?"

I smiled but shook my head, "Not at all, and I have zero regrets...being mates with Cade just feels so natural, like we were always meant to be mates."

"And that's how I've always felt with Ieston...Is this weird for you, me talking about him...-"

"Oh please." I smiled and cut her off. "Like I said, Cade is My Chosen...and when I Chose to tie myself to him every other male, past mate or otherwise simply does not register romantically to me I can assure you there is no jealousy or sadness...unless it pertains to Cade now." I admitted.

She nodded and afterward we talked a bit more on Chosen Mates and Blood Bonding and we also went over the details for the presenting.

"So I know Cade had asked you to accompany me as we are both presented to the pack...but I've told Cade that I will go ahead and be present alone as his mate and future Luna...not that I don't want you up there with me...but...I've asked Cade to withdraw his previous title and position removal of Ieston, for the good of the pack." I confessed.

I kind of felt like maybe Cade should be here for this conversation, but as this was my request of him and it involved Ieston I didn't see why I couldn't be the one to at least inform her of what was going on.

"So I won't be Beta?" She asked.

I couldn't gage her reaction so I didn't know how to approach this...I decided to go with a more formal approach to this, this way she knew it wasn't person but purely what is best for the pack.

"Blithe...Alpha Cade and I still need to discuss all of the details and go over every option available to us to see what would be best for the pack as a while I've asked Cade to revoke his order, this doesn't mean anything is offically done...The Alpha and I will have a meeting alongside Ieston and see where we can go from there, now I'm not offically the Luna of this pack yet and have no right to ask things of you...but as a friend I ask that you allow Cade and I some time to get everything all figured doubt your cousin will want to have a meeting with you as well."

She nodded and smiled, "That's be honest I was sorta second guessing the whole Beta thing."

"You were?"

She laughed, "Of course...I mean for one, I honestly don't know every single thing Ieston did as a Beta...sure I knew about patrols and running orders for Cade here and there, But I know he did more as well, but what exactly...I couldn't tell you."

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