Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Alliance

I sat down for the evening with a plate of food in front of me. It had been a long day made even longer by the fact that I had to cook myself dinner.

The pack house was empty and I've never really liked things too quiet so I got up and turned on the old radio in the kitchen before I grabbed a beer and made my way back to the table.

I was just about to eat when someone walked in.

I got up on alert, it was late and most pack members metion they'd be dropping in instead of just showing up.

"Hey."I said upon seeing my Beta and cousin, "You two are out pretty late."

My Beta nodded, "Yeah just got back from the wedding."

I felt bad, I had been invited but decided against going. To be fair I wasn't related to the groom personally.

"You should've gone Cade, Brian asked about you." My cousin sounded as she took a seat on the sofa.

"Brian is your cousin on your father's side Blithe...that makes him nothing to me."

"I think you would've had fun." She continued, "I even made a new friend...well She is Ieston's friend but she was really sweet." She put in

I looked at my Beta, "She's not my friend," He corrected, "merely an aquaintance I met in passing."

"Anyways she was so nice...the poor thing."

"Why is she a poor thing?" I asked to humor her.

"She's the daughter of an Alpha my dear, There isn't anything to pity about Daisy." Ieston added.

'Which Alpha has a daughter named Daisy?'

"I don't pity her...I feel sad, like really sad that she doesn't have a mate and no husband...she's so young and pretty." She sighed. "Cade you need a wife and this girl needs a husband...-"

"Blithe" I sighed cutting her off with a chuckle and shaking my head. "That's not how this all works...even if I knew this girl, which I don't, there would be a lot of politics involved, like contracts, alliances, I'd be inheriting their pack's enemies and they'd be inheriting our enemies, and so forth."

"Technically we do know the family, her father's been trying to align himself with us for years...Hugo Brooks."

'Hugo Brooks', I remembered him now, I had sent Ieston out there to negotiate an alliance, Sure I need him as much as he needs us, but I am never one to show my hand and I've been playing cat and mouse with Hugo Brooks for almost 5 years now.

"Ieston, do you think it'd be a smart move?" I wondered.

"Are we seriously considering this?" Blithe asked excitedly.

"Which, the alliance or the girl?" Ieston asked, the both of us ignoring my cousin right now.

"There really isn't one without the other if we're being honest." I sounded.

"I wasn't aware you were on the market for a wife." He put in.

"Neither did I...but if I stop and think about it, the pack needs a Luna and her Father's alliance...would be benefical...I mean we've never been able to run our businesses through the main trade road since it runs through his lands...It'd be big for us financially, But if I know anything I'll have to make it seem like it's their idea, and they won't go for it unless I go personally."

"Alpha, if I'm being honest I don't think this is a great idea." Ieston said.

"Why?" Blithe sounded upset.

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