Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Night Out

"So where are we going?" Cade asked as we buckled up and took off.

I shrugged, "no where really, Dan always asks me to stay and eat with the kids and while I'd love to...I'd hate to be the reason one of them couldn't get a second helping...while the pack does well the orphanage is mostly run off of volunteer work and donations, food included...that's why I'm there as much as I can be, to give the volunteers a break, and to give the kids some love and attention, sometimes I play games with them, sometimes I'm helping with homework, or just someone they can talk to."

"Would you be sad if you couldn't see them?"

"I would be, but I know they're well looked after whether I'm there or not...there's kids all over who need the same love and care and I know no matter where I'm at I will always do what I can to help kids." I admitted. "Does your pack have an orphanage?"

He smiled a little sadly, "We are a little more fortunate to not have as many orphans, but unfortunately I can't say that we have a place nearly as nice as yours here...I front the money for whatever they need but I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't ever taken the time to visit the place much less spend any time with them."

"You're a busy man I'm sure, running a pack and looking after everyone's well being is a big responsibility, don't talk down on yourself Cade...I've got all the time in the world and have a huge love for it kinda just works out." I said trying to help him ease his guilt.

"You know I work still too?"

"Really" I asked, most Alpha's give up their jobs for the good of the pack. My own father makes the majority of his income from the taxing the companies who wish to use our specialty roads.

He shrugged "When I was younger, busting my ass in the plant I use to wish I was older so that I could have enough money and quit...but I got older and was fortunate to have a steady enough income that I had saved quite a bit, enough to retire, but instead I invested it into a start-up company... I wanted to be a silent partner but as the business grew I found that I had to be there on hand to over see certain things."

"Wait so you like actually manage a company?" I asked in awe...who was this guy?

"Technically I own the company, and took on the role of CEO...I'm not even sure your dad knows that." He admitted with a slight chuckle.

"You say it like it's no big deal."

He shrugged, "To me it is no big deal...but what you're doing with these kids...that is a big deal."

I smiled and blushed. "Okay, lets grab something to eat and then I'm outta your hair until this evening."

He nodded.

I continued to drive toward his hotel and stopped at a restaurant one of my cousins owns.

"Get whatever you want and don't bother paying." I said as we were shown to a booth.

"You know how I feel about you paying." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes, "You're so stubborn, this is the 21st century and women can pay their way if they have the means and fully want to...but as you've expressed your aversion on more than one occasion  I brought us to one of my cousins eateries...I always eat for free, since you're with me, your meal will be on the house."

I could see he was ready to protest so I shook my head, "Just imagine your having dinner with my parents again, you ate for free then." I pointed out.

"That was an invitation from an Alpha to eat in his home."

"Humor me."

This time he rolled his eyes and simply picked up the menu,

"What are you thinking about getting?" I asked.

"Actually, I was thinking that spaghetti sounds pretty good." He admitted.

I smiled, "I was thinking the same thing.



We watched as the plates were moved from in front of us.

"You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded, "Can I at least leave a tip?" I asked teasingly.

She smiled "I'd think you were rude if you didn't."

I laughed and dropped a hundred before I motioned for her to go on ahead. She made no fuss over the amount I left, she simply walked by various people, telling them hello and goodbye as we made our way out.

"Everyone in town seems to love you."

"Really?" She asked seriously, "I've always thought they pitied me."

"Why would they pity you?" I asked curiously.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed the small fact that I'm in my twenty's, no mate, living with my parents...I'm practically the pack's equivalent of a cat lady."

"From the way I see it, The fact that you don't have a mate yet means you could do whatever you want, go wherever you want to go...if anything, they should envy you."

She laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"You make it sound so simple."

"It is simple... Daisy I don't know if you've realized this or not but you are a grown woman."

"Gee I hadn't really noticed." She sounded sarcastically.

"What I mean is while I know you love and respect your CAN do what you want, move out, travel, date various people, get a tattoo...what are they going to do, ground you?"

"I know you're right, but I couldn't imagine just doing my own thing.

"Well" I sighed as we finally got outside. "I'll leave you to it then, I'll pick you up at 6:30 since we'll still have to drive to the next town over and that shoud take us about an hour."

"Sounds like a plan..." She said, "and thanks for being a good sport about the kids today...I know I didn't give you any heads up."

"Oh that was nothing, I'm glad you took me there, and to be honest I'd really like to hang out with them again."


I nodded, " long as no one is allergic to anything maybe we can have a movie night with them and I'll get pizzas."

"I know they'd like that a lot."

"I'd like it too...But I may have to wait until next weekend, I don't wan them staying up late if they have school the next day."

"Were you planning on staying that long?" She asked.

"I planned on staying the week...I can extend the week a couple more days ." I said seeing as I came into town on Friday. "I'll just go home that Sunday."

She nodded. "Well let me take you back to the hotel."

I shook my head, "go on ahead, I'm gonna walk around for a while before I get back to my room." I admitted.

She smiled and moved to get into her car. I watched as she drove away, and I did as I said I would.

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