Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four: Getting to Know you

With her luscious lips pressed gently against mine I felt like I'd never get enough of her...I wanted more, more wolf was beginning to crave her, and that was a dangerous thing for sure.

I knew if I didn't stop soon things would definitely go to too far too fast for her as there was no distraction here...everyone knew if my door was closed not to even knock.

But try as I might I just couldn't stop, and just as I was finally able to find the will to do so her hands moved up and let her fingers reach my hair.

The feel of her nails combing through my hair and lightly brush against my scalp made me weak. That feeling caused me to move my mouth from hers, but it wasn't in an attempt to stop kissing her but rather to explore more of her as my mouth moved to her neck.

She wasn't stopping me and right now I don't think I even could have been stopped.

I knew my office well, and knew no one would come in here without me being here so I knew exactly where my chairs were...I found the first one, still kissing Daisy but also guiding her along with me. I took a seat and pulled her on top of me.

If I was lost in the moment I don't even think she realized she was now not only straddling me, but beginning to grind upon a very sensitive area at the moment.

As much as I wanted to go on I knew I shouldn't.

I eased up my kisses and placed a final kiss on her neck before kissing her lips only once more.

When I finally willed myself to pull back a little I looked at her and watched as her gorgeous eyes opened, her cheeks filled with a pink tint from our hot action and Her delicious lips swollen from my kisses. She was breathing heavily so of course my eyes went down to her chest, I smirked and looked back up. She looked at me and smiled softly, a content and almost lazy look to her.

I smirked and touched her face.

But the action seemed to suddenly pull her out of whatever lust filled daze she was in because she not only became aware of the current situation of her still being on top of me, but the fact that we'd gotten so swept away in the moment that she had allowed herself to get into the position.

I watched on as her cheeks now burned with embarrassment and she scrambled to get off of me.

"W-we shouldn't do that any more."

I dropped my hand and my expression showed that I was hurt. "do you not like when we do that?"

She grew bold and offered me a smile as she reached out and took the same hand that was just touching her face into her own hand, "I do like it...more than I probably should if i'm being honest..."

"And that's a bad thing...come on Daisy, our wolves are crazy about each other and we just met like a week ago."

"Exactly Cade, we only met a week ago, we're moving kind of fast for two people who aren't even mates."

It suddenly dawned on me..."You're still waiting for your mate."

I held my composure, It had been a long time since I last let someone in like I was beginning to do with Daisy...But she pushed me away before she was gone to me forever.

I watched as Daisy struggled with herself.

"My mate," She shook her head and sighed, "It's nothing like that I promise...I came with you knowing that I have feelings for you, but I want to get to know you as a person...the fact that we aren't mates gives us that luxury of getting to know one another."

I understood where she was coming from now. Of course I still couldn't help but wonder about her mate...and if she wasn't saying it must be something bad. I wouldn't press her for an answer either, I knew if I played my cards right I could get her to open up to me fully.

Only problem with that is I would have to open up fully too, something I haven't done since my own mate.

I tried not to think about her and moved on from the whole mates subject altogether.

"How about we get out of here...I still have the rest of Ironsmith to show you."

She smiled and nodded, "Lead the way."

Thankfully the tense mood dropped and we were back to our more lighthearted demeanors and easy conversations. When we got back into the car I did take the opportunity to grab her hand, and despite her qualms about us "moving too quickly" she didn't protest, if anything she actually seemed to relax upon my grabbing her hand.

I drove around the Northern part of my pack, this was the more rural area and mirrored her town with more family style homes, thick forests, lakes, wide open fields..."We have a hospital up here as well as the schools for the Northern residents as well as stores and restaurants."

"So I'm a little confused...northside, Ironsmith, southtown...-"

I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, it's all my Ironsmith pack but Ironsmith is really very large and is essentially portioned off into two sections, Northside and Southtown, Northside as you can see is a very picturesque rural area, very rustic and quiet for the most'll notice more families reside in the Northside...Southtown has more of a city feel with the tall buildings, apartments and condos...they have a hospital too as well as more stores and schools, but those schools are more like specialty schools."

She nodded along to show she was listening.

"I actually work and live in Southtown."

"But you mentioned you have a house...the same one from when you were a kid." She pointed.

I nodded, "There are houses in Southtown...and families as well, but for people wanting a quieter and almost simpler lifestyle they choose the Northside, those who are excited about living in the city choose to live in Southtown...for me it's a matter of convince...just know that all of Ironsmith is well off financially so please don't think theres some archaic classism thing going on, it genuinely is a matter of personal preference."

"Can you take me to Southtown?"

"Of'll be staying with me after all." I said cooly.

"Didn't we just discuss taking things slower and getting to know one another?"

I shrugged as I drove on, "I've got a guest room...unless you prefer to sleep with me."

I had meant share a bed, but I knew she'd pick up on the sexual underscore and I watched as her face blazed with a deep blush now.

"The guest room will be more than fine."

I shrugged once more and smirked, "It's an open invitation...just don't dismiss it entirely...I mean there's only so slow we can now that we've acknowledged we are both into each other and our wolves like each other so..."

She shook her head and then turned to look out her window...I wonder what she was thinking.

"Of course I won't rush you into anything, you know that right?"

I watched as she stayed looking out the window but smiled.

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