Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Mates pt Two

The rest of my day I had to shelf the information Cade had given me about his mate and the tough order placed upon him. But I knew he had hinted that he didn't want to talk about it further.

Of course that didn't exactly stop me from having questions, but I also wouldn't bring it up if he wasn't in the mood to speak about it.

And then I thought about Blithe and Ieston, 'why would you so adamantly pursue someone who isn't your mate?'

"Alpha Cade."

Cade and I stopped at the sound of a young man's voice.

"Hey Justin, what's up kiddo?"

"Hey," the guy smiled.

"Oh this is my friend Daisy, Daisy this is Justin, he's newly shifted and one of my newest members of my guard."

The young man smiled at me, "My pleasure miss Daisy...Alpha Cade, my father wanted me to inform you that there was an incident he'd like to speak to you about."

Cade nodded, "Tell him to meet me in the war room, I'll be right there."

We watched the young man take off and Cade turned to face me. "I'll be right back, don't go too far." He said before he kissed me and walked into the packhouse.

After I was left alone I decided to make my way to the back of the house and get the lay of the land so to speak. There were a few people who told me hello or were at the very least kind enough to offer me a friendly smile, I noticed there was a beautiful garden in the back and as I made my over to inspect the flowers closer I noticed someone was actually sitting there on a bench that was tucked away behind tall hedges.

"Oh...I apologize, I hadn't realized anyone was back here." I admitted.

Ieston smiled at me, "It's fine."

There was an awkward silence as we looked at one another and I giggled out of nervousness.

"Sorry, I'm not one for talking much." He admitted almost nervously, it reminded me of my birthday dance with him.

"I remember."

"I mean... that is I only meant that I wasn't expecting to see you here."He smiled before he moved to the side, "Please." He motioned for me to take the seat next to him. "How about we start Daisy, how are you enjoying your stay?"

I nodded and took the seat next to him, "Well I really am enjoying my time so far and the pack... its as beautiful a pack as I've ever seen, everyone's just been so kind and very hospitable."

He nodded.

"Of course your wife has made me feel more than welcome."

"Yeah, Blithe has a way of making everyone feel accepted...she's definitely got that part of the Alpha blood in her."

He was right, since Blithe and Cade are cousins I had forgotten for a moment that her mother and his father were siblings and share the alpha blood line. "She definitely would make for a great Luna."

He smiled a little and nodded once again. "I think she would have too."

'would have?' my wolf wondered.

I looked at Ieston and he was looking out at the flowers. "You know I come out here a lot, when I'm not working for the company or don't have anyactive beta gives me time to think, and remember things I've done, things I've given up, or just to reflect on my life and my family."

"So the other night I was talking with Blithe and she had mentioned you had a brother, do you still have any other family if you don't mind me asking."

He nodded, "Yeah, my mother and step father are both still alive, I also have a step sister but I hardly get to see her as she was raised by her mother and is now the Alpha of her pack."

"Is your stepfather an Alpha?"

"No." He said, "I mean he is an Alpha's son but there were I believe fix or six of them and he's the second to last of the kids so he was never an Alpha....but as an Alpha's son he was arranged to marry an Alpha's daughter, they married had two kids his ex-wife's father passed away and they were able to divorce...he met my mom shortly after and they've been married every since."

"And you said your step-sister is the Alpha now?" I asked.

"Yes, Her name Is Violet and as I said after Violet's grandfather died her parents divorced and more so her uncle took on the role of Alpha, he unfortunately never found his mate, and when he died the role went to my step-dad's ex wife, and she was planning on handing the role over to my step-brother but sadly Benny passed away."

"Were you two close?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I mean I'd always wanted siblings but having my own dad pass away when I was 5 and my mother was single for a large part of my life that wasn't exactly an option ya When my step-dad and Benny showed up we became quick brothers, like my friends instantly became his friends, we played the same sports, watched the same shows, and we could always talk to each other...but he was sick...-"

"Cade told me." I put in so he wouldn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to. "I hope that's okay?"

He nodded, "It's fine...after he shifted we all had hoped he'd get better, but of course being my brother I had hoped the hardest, he was one of my best friends...we talked constantly and he had told me all about his mate."

I smiled, Cade nor Blithe had mentioned The guy having a mate.

"But then things went bad fast...we realized that with him shifting it would cause the cancer to spread faster so we tried everything to keep him from shifting but you can only suppress your wolf for so long, and he would end up sporadically shifting...I think he knew he was going to die, the night that he passed away he had asked to speak to me alone."

I felt bad for him, but sat silently as he continued.

"We didn't really say bye as the wasn't really us...but he asked me to take care of his mate, he made me promise that I'd do everything I could to make sure that she never wanted for anything and was always happy... at the time I didn't have my own mate so I couldn't understand the impact of accepting and taking on his promise, at the time all I knew was that my brother was dying and I couldn't do anything to keep him here so I needed to make sure I could do this for him."

I was honestly touched by how much he cared for his brother.

"After he passed away I couldn't really face anyone especially his could I look at her and know she'd never be able to be with her I waited until she shifted and then thats when I started to talk to her as more than a friend."

I was beginning to understand where he was going with this.

"-...Of course she was stubborn and even though we'd gone out a few times and she had no qualms about us showing forms of affection for one another, she always refused my proposals."

"Blithe..." I said a little sadly now.

He nodded, "She finally accepted and we've ben together every since then...and every since that day I've done everything I could to be able to keep up the promise I made to Benny."

"And you've never come across your mate in all of this?" I wondered completely consumed by his opening up to me.

"Y-yeah I have actually...It was more than a few years back and I hadn't exactly been looking for her or anything." He admitted. "I was happily married to Blithe, actively trying to have a baby, we had just got our house, and then Cade asked me to go and meet with potential of which asked me to join his family as they celebrated his daughters first shift."

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