Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine: Arrangements

I woke up the next morning and I immediately began to stretch.

My body was sore, but in the best ways possible as I recalled rather vividly the amazing time I shared with my Cade last night.

But as I stretched my arms out I couldn't feel him.

I opened my eyes and found that he wasn't in the bed but as I looked over the rest of the bedroom I found him passed out at his desk.

I pulled my brows together in wonder and I got out of the bed, pulled on my underwear before I grabbed my bra and put it on as well. I quietly exited the bedroom and made my way to the guestroom. I remembered there were spare toiletries in the room's connecting bathroom.

I went in and I took in my cavewoman apperance.

My hair was everywhere, my makeup was smudged, and as crazy as it sounds I felt so beautiful.

Or at least it was the way I remember Cade looking at me last night and making me feeling.

I smirked and picked up the unopened toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth before washing my face clean of any remaining makeup, and finally I found a hairbrush and ran it carefully through my hair.

I felt like I was still in a dream from last night

Once I had my hair more or less tamed I left the guest room and made my way back to Cade's room.

He was still fast asleep at his desk so I went over to him.

'He's beautiful'

I smiled and nodded, he really is beautiful, and caring and sensitive.

"Wake up My Love." I whispered before I kissed his hair.

He peeked one eye open at me and smirked. "Morning."

"Good morning." I smiled.

He sat up and gave me a sheepish look.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Not as good as I"m sure you did."

I blushed and failed to hold back my smile, I looked at him, "Why'd you sleep over here anyways?"

"Couldn't sleep...had a lot on my mind."

I wondered if he was having seconds thoughts about us, or maybe he was regretting last night altogether.

"Don't..." He said as he made me look at him once again, "Please dont think it's anything bad My Flower...On the contrary I was trying to find another way to express my true love for you."

I was confused but smiled, "You don't have to do that Love, I know you love me Cade."

"I just want everyone to know how much I love you and would do anything for you."

"I'm sure they'll figure it out once they see we're married and I'm your Luna." I tried to assure him.

He simply smiled and got up, He kissed my forehead and then moved on to the restroom.

I pulled on my dress from yesterday and grimaced as I wasn't a fan of wearing the same outfit knowing Cade had already seen me in it...but as I didn't exactly pack anything before coming I didn't really have any other choice.

It didn't take Cade very long before he had joined me in the room once again, He kissed me and got into a really nice suite.

"Um do you think we could stop somewhere in the city so I can pick up a different outfit?"

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