Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two: Nosey Vultures

I sat next to my mom and for the first time in a long time wore a genuine smile as I watched my sister open all of her gifts from her baby shower.

When we had talked a few days back she had mentioned a baby shower her sister in law was throwing for her but "understood if i couldn't make it."

It sucked that my siblings had to walk on eggshells for so long to not upset me since I was rejected.

And I have to admit that  in the past I did find it hard to enjoy their life's successes selfishly because i felt bad for myself.

But not today.

I mean sure I had thought about Cade all night and woke up and couldn't help but wonder if he missed me last night (as much as I missed him) honestly felt so weird not to sleep next to him.

But when I saw Blithe in the morning it was a reminder that it was all over.

Cade knew I was rejected.

My dirty past had caught up to me, and as I had always feared he shunned me the minute he found out, more so he thought I was lying to him about not knowing Ieston was my mate.

'Why would we want to willingly be anywhere near the person who rejected us?'

I had to agree with my wolf, It really made no sense unless I was some sort of sick masochist who enjoyed watching her rejector living happily.

Then again wasn't I over here pining to be with Cade and he essentially rejected me as well.

'He's hurt and asked you to leave...never rejected.'

"Daisy my dear cousin." I looked up at my cousin who had pulled me out of my thoughts, she had moved to hug me as her mother hugged my own mother. "It's been too long."

I nodded, "Yes, I think since your wedding?"

She smiled, "What a spectacular occasion is it not." Her mother sounded.

Her mother is one of my fathers cousins.

I nodded happily.

"Daisy dear don't you want this?" My cousins mother asked.

"I don't think I follow." I responded.

"Marriage, Babies...don't you ever want to get married and have children...I mean you won't be young forever my dear."

I only's all I could do to not embarrass my mother or ruin my sisters day.

Mentally I was telling her to fuck off and mind her own business, as if it's possible to just say "hmmm I think i'll find a husband today, walk up to some random guy pick him out and then go get married and have babies with him..." It isn't a matter of not wanting a husband and children, but rather that it's just really not her business and maybe it's just hard to find a good decent guy to want a girl in return and also want the same things as her.

I mean really, why is it acceptable to even ask those never know a persons situation.

Like me, a person could be rejected or their mate could have died in which case it wasn't their choice to be single.

As for children, yes i would like children one day but believe it or not some people actually don't want kids and that's perfectly fine more so it's their choice that they shouldn't have to explain to the world...others aren't as fortunte to be able to have children, so those questions could cause them pain.

I was grateful when they finally walked away

"Nosey old Vulture." My mom commented.

I smiled at her and she hugged me, "your time will come my darling."

We helped her clean up and afterward my mother and I made our way back to the hotel we were staying in since we had decided to stay the whole weekend.

After getting ready for the evening I finally got into the bed and I turned off my lamp indicating to my mother that I was going to sleep.

She mimicked my actions and soon the room was shrouded in darkness.

But no sooner did I close my eyes did I hear her sigh heavily.

"You know, I thought bringing you out here, away from everything would be good for you." She said into the darkness. "I just wish you felt comfortable enought to open up to me Daisy."

I let her words sink in.

"I love him mom." I confessed.

She didn't speak, I knew she was giving me this moment to get everything out and it overwhelmed me as everything came forward finally, everything ugly truth and every romantic was all coming out and my mother was learning everything.

I cried as I filled her in.

From the moment I met Cade Irons to the heart breaking moment Cade asked me to leave.

" should have seen him Mom, he was so angry...he wouldn't even look at me, he didn't want to hear me out...I love him and he just dismissed me completely...he hates me."

"I wouldn't say that." She tried to comfort me.

"He asked me to leave didn't he?"

"He asked you to leave..." she sighed. "Did you ever stop and try to see things from his prospective, I'd wager he feels just a strongly for you as you do for would you feel if he suddenly told you he found his mate, someone you both knew no less...or maybe he asked you to leave so you wouldn't get more hurt than you already were, if he loves you the last thing he would want would be to see you in pain, having to sit by and do nothing to protect you."

I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me as we were still just laying in the dark.

"Just don't write him off Daisy, from what you've told two are good for one another and you seem to care a lot about one another."

"He hates me mom." I sounded.

"You don't know that for sure."

"That's why I have to go back...I need closure at least." I said with finality.

We laid in silence for a moment.

"I can't believe he asked me to be his Luna." I smiled, "It was a nice idea if even for a moment."

I couldn't even begin to imagine my life with Ieston as my mate...not now...not when I've already gotten to know a life with Cade as my everything.

I couldn't help the tears that fell.

I couldn't help the ache in my heart from missing him.

And I couldn't help the silent prayer up to the moon goddess that he was well, that he wasn't doing anything stupid, and that he'd wasn't hurting from all of this.

I thought about our last moments together before everything went to shit.

His light kisses all over my face to wake me up, seeing his smiling face as soon as I opened my eyes, hugging him from behind as he cooked us breakfast, watching him drink his black coffee and read his newspaper like an old man, sitting on his lap as he opened up to me, feeling his kiss upon my temple...And that's what I dreamt about, Cade and I living happily together.

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