Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three: Breakfast

I felt as my body made contact with something soft and cool...but instantly I smelt his scent surrounding me and I relaxed, I knew I was with Cade.

As I realized I was laying down I figured Cade must've carried me up to his room and I was suddenly aware of myself.

I was vulnerable.

But then again, I could always open my eyes, let him know I'm awake.

But I felt as he gently took one of my ankles in his large hands and ever so delicately undid my heels before removing them.

To be honest I tried my hardest to control my heart as I was wondering if he'd undress me as well?

Would Cade take advantage of the situation?

But when I felt the weight of comforter encompass me I felt more relaxed. I turned and got into a more comfortable position for me and also so I wasn't face on with him.

I heard his movements before I felt his sweet kiss and gentle fingertips move my hair behind my ear.

I listened as his footsteps moved away from me and I opened my eyes and smiled, He really is too sweet of a guy.

Furthermore, my wolf and I both approved and appreciated that he did not try and take advantage of me while he thought I was passed out.

My wolf could feel his approaching and I closed my eyes once again.


I felt something lightly touch my face, but I was too tired to acknowledge it, Once again I felt another soft touch against my face I registered it as a kiss.

"Wake up little flower." Cade said softly as the same feeling light kiss touched my cheek and then my forehead, and then my chin. He was waking me up by showering me with kisses.

I held my eyes shut and smiled, and he chuckled a little before he placed a single kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and found him looking amazing and also fully dressed.

"It's still dark out." I groaned and rolled over to my stomach to ignore him.

He smacked my butt and I smirked,

"Get up and get ready, I'm making breakfast and then we're taking off."

"Such a bossy Alpha." I said as I got on my elbows and looked back at him.

He wore as wicked smirk now, "Oh you have no idea." He said before smacking my butt once again and leaving the room.

I got up and stretched before I got out of the bed and groaned as I knew I'd have to walk over to the guest room to get ready.

I found my heels off to the side and I collected them before I left the bedroom.

I could smell sausage cooking and smiled, the smell was somehow comforting to me as well as delicious.

I knew we were going for a hike so there was no point in showering if i'd get sweaty on the hike, so instead I put on some gray leggings, a plain navy muscle shirt and then grabbed a sweater just incase it was chilly out this morning. I pulled my hair up and also made a face as I saw my smudged makeup and knew Cade had seen me as well.

I sighed and took a makeup wipe to scrub it off.

I washed the sticky feeling left on my face from the makeup wipes, then brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant.

Fresh faced and starving I finally went downstairs.

"Good morning." I said as I walked into the kitchen and hugged Cade from behind. He was still cooking and really, I just wanted to steal some food before he had even plated it.

"Hey." He sounded with a slight chuckle as I grabbed a piece of the toast. "Little savage, the plates are in that cabinet...grab two would you?"

I smiled and moved to get the plates from the cabinet he had pointed out.

I placed them next to him and went through the rest of the cabinets, munching on my piece of toast as I tried to find a glass fo get something to drink.

"I have fresh coffee."

I wrinkled my nose, "I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I mean I have to crave it and it has to have like a ton of creamer and sugar so it's pointless really."

"That's a waste of good coffee." He replies as he shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and opened his refrigerator to see what he had to drink.

I was surprised to find he had a fully stocked refrigerator with actual food of all sorts, this would come in handy when I cook for him...maybe tomorrow night? I grabbed the apple juice and poured a little for myself before sitting at the table.

I sat there and watched him multitask between cooking, getting the food on the plates, and pouring himself a mug of straight black coffee.

Black coffee...what a lunatic.

"Here you go." He said as he handed me a plate before he put his own plate on the table across from me and then went back for his coffee.

"So, 5am...You do know that people can also take hikes I don't the daylight?" I teased as the sun hadn't even risen yet.

He was drinking his coffee but rolled his eyes, "I want you to see the sunrise from my favorite spot."

I was touched. "Well then, how can a girl turn that down?"

He smiled.

"This is really good by the way." I said as I ate the eggs."

He shrugged, "it's nothing special...just scrambled eggs and sausage, side of toast."

"Well I'm not exactly anyone special so you're lucky that I don't require anything fancy, and I happen to like simple."

"Do you now?"

"Well I do like you so..."

He caught onto my teasing and I laughed, "you're mean this early in the morning."

"Well I'm sorry if I offended your giant Alpha ego."

"Thank you, you'll have to make it up to me later." He smiled and winked.

Images of Cade and I the night before last, us making out filled my mind and I tried to block it out. There was my teasing but then there was his flirting and boy was there a difference.

My wolf was awake now at the thoughts I was having due to Cade's bringing up "later" and me assuming he meant later in bed.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I tried not to look at him and focused on my food.

We ate breakfast mostly in a comfortable silence but also glancing at each other every now and again.

"Done with this?" I asked.

He nodded and I collected his empty plate along side mine and walked it to the kitchen fully prepared to wash them.

"Just leave them there, I'll take care of them later." He said as he filled his now empty mug with water. "Let's go before it gets too late."

I followed him out of the house and we went on our way.

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