Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Confessions

I stood in the middle of the large group of people. The moonlight shining down upon me, my inside began to ache.

"Now comes the time for your Alpha to call your wolf forward young one...gentlemen, if you please."

As a sign of respect all males turn away to give as much privacy to the new she-wolf as they can, the ladies watch on for encouragement and words of strength. The opposite is done if the newly shifting participant is a male.

With their backs to me the irritating feeling grew within me and began to gnaw at me.

I submitted to the pain but it was nothing like the pain I had felt earlier, the pain of feeling your heart swell with so much passion and adoration of having your Mate approach you, only to have that same mate essentially rip out your heart right from your own chest.

That was the most excruciating experience I've ever had to endure, and what hurt more was the absolute fact that whomever he was, was still here amongst my fathers most loyal allies, he had broken my heart and dined with us so casually.

"It is done." My father sounded.

I opened eyes and looked down at my furry paws before looking up at him, the guys turned and faced me and my father said a few words. But they were lost on me as I could feel all eyes on me.

"Now Daisy my darling...go ahead and enter our pack house and return to us a full fledged member of our pack."

My mother collected the robe from the ground and helped me inside (as I was still in wolf form and couldn't open the doors) so that I could get ready for the actual party.

I had been so excited when I picked out the dress, I remember Anise and I had made a day out of shopping for it, since my Mother had the formal dress made for me, I didn't want to over do it but knew that after my shift my parents and the rest of the pack would see me as a woman now and I wanted a dress that reflected that, but was still fun since after all it was a party.

Anise and I had found the perfect one, It was fun, short, vibrant and flowy, it was something I knew I could dance in and feel confident in...but wearing it now, it didn't bring me any joy like it had the day my sister and I picked it out.

"What's wrong my Darling...and please don't saying it's nothing, I've never seen you like this." My Mother asked, genuine concern fill her face.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like...well, like your light has diminished...your spark is gone, and your wolf should have only made you shine brighter if anything."

I shrugged, "This doesn't have to do with my wolf."

"Then what is it baby, tell me."

"It..." I couldn't hold back my emotions as I knew what I was about to admit, "I have to talk to you and Dad alone."

She looked at me and nodded before closing her eyes, I knew she'd be calling him through their shared mind-link, I took a seat on my bed and waited alongside Mom as he made his way upstairs.

"Ladies, while you both look lovely I hope this is important, we have guests waiting on us to start the party." He sounded.

"Can you tell Linden to start the party without us...I have to tell you and mom's important."

He looked at me before looking at Mom, she nodded and he pulled out his cellphone, he spoke to my brother breifly and soon I heard the music from outside begin to drift up to my room throught the open windows. My mother moved to close the windows to give us some privacy.

"I...I met my mate ."

"What?" They both sounded excitedly.

I shook my head, "I should rephrase mate approached me today, earlier...before dinner." I admitted. "I was sitting in the library taking in the air, I was sitting in the brown chair so I had my back to the door, he entered and I could smell his scent immediately..."

I sat there and cried as I explained everything that happened, My mother moved to console me but cried herself.

"Who is he?!" My father growled angrily.

I shook my head. "I don't know, I never saw him, and since he rejected me I-I can't remember his scent or the sound of his voice."

My father shook his own head now. "I won't stand for this...I'm not going to sit here and have my daughters heart broken while some asshole smiles downstairs like nothing happened."

"Theres nothing we can do." My mother cut in.

"Like hell there isn't...I'll kill him!"

Mother moved and made her way to Father, she touched his face gently, "I know you're hurting for our daughter, trust me my love, I'm feeling her pain as well...But we don't know who it is and to go down there and cause a scene would do no good except lose us alliances after we accuse them...and we both know the rogues are attacking again."

He nodded his head in defeat. "You're right."

"We must be smart about this...whoever the asshole is thinks he has the upperhand having Daisy not look at him, no doubt he'll think she'll be too emotional to carry on with the night, whoever he is has to know she'd be hurting...but she wasn't shifted when he did it."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

Honey, I know it hurts but if you'd have had your wolf when he rejected you, you would be a suicidal wreck...right now you can still cope with life and push it to the back burner so to speak, yes it's sad but it's bearable...And with time we can only pray you can move past this heartache...He on the otherhand has to be feeling the effects of being without a mate."

"So we go out there and look for the sad bastard." Dad spoke up.

"Again we have to be smart, no doubt that most will look a touch depressed being away from their mates, we'll have to find the ones without mates, and I'm sorry about this but we're going to need your help as well."

"How can I help?" I asked a little confused.

"You'll dance with every male here tonight, your rejector amongst them, trust me he won't be too comfortable to have to talk with you much less be so close to you."

"I don't like this." My dad put in, "She shouldn't have to face whoever that asshole is."

"I know my Love...But even rejected she'll still call to his wolf, and I have no doubt that he'll give into that pull in someway, whether it's longing look, a caress in some fashion...he'll give us a tell, and in doing so he'll give himself away."

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