Fifty Eight

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Chapter Fifty Eight: Meeting

I was nervous as I felt like I was walking into this meeting with Daisy blindly. She must've sensed my nerves as she reached out and took a hold of my had and kissed my inner wrist, the same spot I had drawn blood from. I gave her a small smile of thanks and together we made our way inside.

I let her in first and closed the office door behind me and then took a seat behind my desk and she took the seat directly in front of me.

"Daisy My flower, as this is your meeting you have my full and undivided attention, please speak freely and know that all of what you say will be heard fairly and with as open a mind as I, Cade Irons, Alpha of the Iron Smith pack am capable." I said looking at her. "The floor is yours Daisy Brooks." To be honest it felt so foreign addressing her so formally, but this an official pack meeting and I'd respect her by going through all the formalities.

She took a deep breath, I could tell this wasn't easy for her but she nodded a little to herself and looked me square in the eye, "After all of the trials and uneasiness that has taken place these past few weeks, I am asking as the future Luna of this pack for you to withdraw your informal removal of Ieston Wells' Title and position in the IronSmith pack."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and before I could even protest my wolf growled but it was aimed toward me...My wolf was reminding me that we were here as the Alpha right now and we had a duty to hear out Daisy entirely.

I quickly checked myself and let my Mate continue.

"I understand that you do not agree with him marrying your cousin after he knew she was his brothers mate, and I know you're hurting for her...but that is none of your business more so they both went into the marriage knowing they had mates, and they both chose to still get married despite that...again, that was their choice and again, none of your business...yes she is your cousin, yes him keeping Benjamin's  secret from her was wrong but that's their business and no one else's." She said matter of factly.

I sat still and listened on.

"Ieston genuinely loves Blithe, there is zero doubt in my mind about that...and there is nothing wrong at all with a man choosing to be with the wife he loves and has a life with over a mate he never asked of all people should know exactly how strong a love for someone you choose can the end of the day Ieston rejected me and while it hurt us both and he kept it a secret again it is was once more none of your mad for me and the situation if you must but please don't act on behalf of when I didn't even ask you to...or more so when such rash actions based solely on emotion can and do effect the pack's overall well being as Ieston is a key member to this pack."

I looked at her, there wasn't an ounce of sadness in her eyes or her words now when she spoke about Ieston...for that I was thankful, I always hated to see her upset...but knowing she was so upset now and it was aimed towards me hurt.

Every word she spoke was honest and raw and I hated to know I was the dumbass who'd fucked up this time.

"Now you have every right to be upset that he didn't tell you I was his mate before you came out to Sunderland...he could have even brought it up again before you brought me out to the pack, him choosing to try and keep it a secret was a huge mistake on his part, but I can't blame him for not wanting to upset his wife, I believe he was worried about the repercussions of admitting to having a mate would bring on...of course it was all for nothing as the very thing he was worried about ended up happening as a direct result of hiding the truth from her."

She took a moment and continued.

"But when the truth came to light I believe you acted impulsively and selfishly."

"Impulsive and selfish?" I asked.

She nodded, "I know you were hurt by the truth, and I know you were angry, and maybe even scared...but as you said over dinner last night, Ieston was a good Beta, he never failed to perform the tasks asked of him, so once again, for the good of the pack I ask that you remove your previous actions towards Ieston...Yes he and Blithe have a lot to talk and think about, but we both know she loves him and I know he loves her...I think everything he does is solely for her to be honest...and as a man who fell in love with a girl who wasn't your designated mate you should fully understand the lengths one would take to keep your chosen partner happy."

I nodded.

"I feel so strongly about this My Love that I am asking you to also allow Blithe and Ieston some time to figure everything out, and that's why I'm willing to be presented alone as your mate and future Luna this weekend..."

As I promised I did in fact listen to her and I heard everything and sadly I knew she was right.

She looked at me and gave me a little unsure smile, "I'm finished."

"Well, Thank you My Flower for opening my eyes, I want to apologize for acting so recklessly as those are not the actions of a good Alpha." I admitted with a heavy heart.

"I promise you I will be reaching out to Ieston and speaking to him further on this subject... and I'd also like if you could sit in on that meeting to give your input."

She smiled and nodded.

"And of course My Flower, I will absolutely give Ieston and Blithe the time to work on their relationship." I said wholeheartedly. "I know he does love her and always only wanted the best for her." I sighed, "I only regret acting without thinking things through first...had this been another incident I could have caused real harm to our pack."

"Thank you for not blocking out my words Cade, it means so much to know I can talk to you openly."

"I will always listen to what you have to say My Flower."

"Well then...if you don't have anything to add Alpha Cade...I am done and would quite like to get home to my Mate."

"Yeah, I asked Theo to take your stuff over to the house." I told her as I got up so we could leave.

She made a face of disdain and I laughed, "I'll help you My Flower."

She looked up at me and came from around the front of my desk so she could kiss me, "thank you."

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