Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Dances with Wolves

I made my way down with my parents and once outside the music stopped and everyone paid their attention to us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you my Daughter Daisy Brooks, newest member of the Sunderland Pack." Everyone clapped and my father spoke further. "With the greatest respect I ask that every gentlman here please congratulate my daughter personally by having a breif spin on the floor with her...I'll start things off."

I smiled up at my father, I knew how hard this was for him, to come out here and pretend this was a happy moment, like everything was fine.

We danced to the sound of the lovely song and a short while later a man tapped his shoulder indicating he wanted to cut in. Father smiled at him and let him take his place as I dance with him.

"Many congratulations on your new shift young one." He smiled.

I smiled in return as nothing about his thick scent seem familiar.

"I remember when my youngest daughter had her first shift.

"You have a children?" I asked the older man more than a little relieved.

"Yes my mate and I have two sons and two daughters."

Another man stepped in shortly after and it went more or less the same.

I danced with more than a handful of men a few men standing out like one named Michael who barely wanted to hold my waist, or Olivio, the guy who could barely look at me before Christopher stepped in.

"Congratulations Daisy, I'm so glad your brother asked me to join him this weekend."

"I'm glad you are having a good time and I'm sure my parents would gladly extend their home to you for as long as you'd like to stay."

"That is a rather generous offer, but I have prior engagments that require my leaving Sunday with your brother."

Something in the way he spoke told me he was talking about a girl.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

He chukcled, "Am I that obvious?"

I shrugged, "Just getting good at reading men when it comes to mates."

Another young man tapped his shoulder and Chrisptopher obliged him.

"Congratulations Miss Brooks."

"Thank you sir." I sounded awkwardly. "So do you have any children yet?"

He shook his head, "No, my wife and I are trying though."

I smiled, "No doubt the Moon Goddess will bless the both of you."

He nodded, and sighed looking away from me as he seemed slightly embarrassed or something, "Sorry about my lack of dancing skills, I'm a bit rusty."

"You're doing fine." I assured was a lie, he was horribly stiff but I could tell that he was genuinely trying, a tough demand considering we were being watched by the entire party. "Tell me about your wife to take your mind off of the onlookers."

He looked down and offered me a soft smile before he looked over my head trying to count his steps. "Haven't been placed on display like this since my wedding...My too good for me, very patient and kind as well as devoted , I've known her a majority of her life as her cousin and I are best friends."

"Well sounds like you got lucky."

He simply nodded, his concentration on the dance.

Just then the music stopped and so did we.

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