Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: Getting To Know You-Part Two

I couldn't help the fact that I couldn't look away from Daisy as a warm pink now dusted her cheeks.

There was a sweetness to this girl that was quite alluring...she just wasn't what I had imagined.

Having met my share of Alpha's daughters she wasn't like the rest of them...entitled, snobby, high maintenance, bitchy...there was something so unique about her.

I knew I needed to be on guard around her, sure I needed her to fall for me in order to get the alliance with her father...but I needed to make sure I didn't lose myself in this situation.

"Tell me about yourself." I said as our food had arrived to the table.

I watched as she used her finger to scoot her fries away from her burger and then moved her burger just a little on her plate so there was now a small triangular space  above the burger and fries. She picked up the ketchup and put a little in the area, careful not to allow any of it to touch.

She caught me watching her and once again she blushed, but this was followed with a slight groan.

"Sorry." She sounded, "I'm weird about my food touching." She said admitted before she picked up on of the french fries and dipped it into the ketchup she took a small bite and thought about her next response. "I never really known what to say when people ask me about myself."

I can understand that, I kinda hated the question myself.

"I mean theres the obvious stuff, I'm Daisy Brooks, Daughter of Alpha Hugo Brooks of the Sunderland pack. I have one older brother Linden and an older sister named Anise...-"

"Tell me about your wolf."

She smiled and nodded, "My wolf is Brown with blonde here and there making it look more light brown than anything, she is fast and seems to adore the Fall weather more than any other season as she tends to take her time to admire the fall leaves when I let her out."

I liked how excited she got.

"And any talents or secret passions?"

"Um, well I wouldn't call it a passion but when we were kids our mother put us in music lessons so all three of us can sing fairly decent, and because of that  I sing almost all the time, to the point where I annoy my dad sometimes." She confessed with a small laugh.

We ate a little and talked some more.

"What about you Cade...I don't know anything about you."

I shrugged, "Well You already know I'm the Alpha of Ironsmith Pack, I don't have any siblings but I have one cousin who's a little younger than me that I've always considered like a little sister, She's actually married to my Beta...they're running things while I'm away."

"I can't even imagine what life must've been like as an only child." She put in with smile.

I was finishing up my fries and noticed she was done with her food too as she had all but neglected her plate.

"Well like I said I had my cousin, and her husband has always been a good friend of mine, my best friend really...My dad was a tough sort of guy and didn't believe in handing me anything so I had to work for everything," I told her. "Nothing was easy either, for his title He made me fight him,  and the house I live in is one that I made."

"You built your own house?" She asked in awe.

"To be honest it was a fixer upper..." I said with a shrug. "I started working at 15 in one of the plants, I would ride my bike into Southtown every morning before the sun came up and ride home after the sun went down, used my money to buy the house and put every dollar I made into remodeling was hard at times, but it was well worth it in the end, it was the first thing that was truly mine."

She smiled at me, I don't know why I had told her so much but I found it easy to talk to her.

"If you're all done Daisy, I'll settle the bill and let you get back to your day."

She shrugged delicately, "I didn't really have any plans and I've enjoyed your company Cade...and thank you for letting me get to know you a bit."

I smirked, "Same...But I feel like my prolongued lunch with you has taken up enough of your time."

She shook her head, "Nonsense, I'd of eaten alone like a loser if it weren't for you...if you feel up to it I'm headed back into town later this evening, again it's nothing amazing but it gets me out of the house."

"You sure...I'm gonna be here for a while and I don't want you getting sick of me." I said, "Plus your father invited me over for dinner tonight."

"Then that works out'll come over for dinner and we can take off and do something from there, and since you're picking up lunch I'll pay this evening."

"With your fathers money?" I pointed out, and chuckled a little, "Sorry Daisy but I don't know how I feel about letting your dad pay for us...don't worry about it though, I've got it."

"I promise I will pay and it won't be my dads are our guest so you shouldn't  be paying."

"You're hardheaded." I sounded slightly amused at her stubborness. "Would you insist on paying if it was a date?" I asked without thinking that it may put her on the spot.

Her smile faltered only slightly.

"Seeing as You didn't ask me out I won't assume it's a date...until that happens I will insist on paying my way." She said as she stood up. "See you tonight Cade."

I sat there in a slight awe of her boldness, had she insinuated that she wants me to ask her out?

I had to admit that I had a pretty good time hanging out with her, of course it was only the one time, but I had to admit that I was actually looking forward to tonight.

I looked over at that the small center piece before I left the table to pay the bill.

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