Chapter 112: For The Vessel (1)

Start from the beginning

Then, I also noticed that high-quality huge-screen Chinese Smartphones with an edited Android with a "crack" in its security were being sold all over the place in my country.

Yes, they were high-quality huge-screen phones, but it was already proven that they have security issues as there is this "<dot> rat" or "<dot> jamp" file or something that kept on being downloaded over and over again without your consent.

Those learnt in programming discovered that it was some sort of File-Gathering virus (like a malware) or something so the phones were described as very dangerous and risk-prone. But few actually believed it since, after all, it was a beautiful phone (Xia*mi... cough, cough...) even more, that's not the only Chinese Phone currently circulating in the market. There are also more Chinese Phones flooding the streets.

The last of my straw is that my mom was a Factory Worker and the company was doing well as an industrial supplier of garments accessories. It was a big successful company and yet, just four years ago, they suddenly filed that they were ending their company and so my mom, about to lose her job, was broken. A company that's doing well in the market was suddenly filing bankruptcy just to be able to retire... at first I was clueless and had thought that it was normal.

But then, half a year later, the news about the West Philippine Sea issue erupted and I suddenly realized that it was something else.

I observed and discovered that majority of events in Philippines for the past two years were all either brought by Chinese Products or Chinese-owned properties having an anomaly (especially that issue with a certain poisonous milk and poisonous brand of beauty product). While our OFWs are yet to experience domestic maltreatment in China, the situation in Phil-Country is already heating up.

Many Chinese Companies have started to file their reasons to close down and third-rate non-quality (or even smuggled-quality) Chinese products have begun to circulate in the market.

While my research paper was denied of legitimacy and I myself viewed my own research paper as something short of patriotic lunacy because it was a one-sided accusation, I still cannot dismiss this feeling since my mom's company was really big and they've been in Philippines for the past 40 years......... and their products were already part of the garments of Filipinos.

Perhaps I was just being paranoid and the people around me called me names back then when I had submitted this paper back in April or May.

Although I did understand their point, I didn't really dismiss the feeling but instead kept it all to myself.

That's why, when my old classmate contacted me, I immediately visited HQ and asked around if there was a chance that I could go back in the military a little bit early before a possibility of war but all I got were the vague replies.

Even more, I feel ashamed to ask my uncle for help regarding this topic. I don't want to be told I am using or besmirching my uncle's name.

Yeah, I know I did say I'd forget about the Military and focus on writing but last week's message had got me itching to reopen this old prejudice. I know I am being wrong here, I feel it, but my gut tells me that a possibility of this entire issue erupting into open hostilities weren't really nulled.

—especially, given, that this was an Oil Reserves that my Phil-Country had every right to be claiming for itself. I feel that China is shamelessly taking our resources greedily and even if I am alone and against this greedy empire, I had to say my piece.

That said, I apologize for the delay. As such, I spent the last three days after my return writing additional chapters. This will be this week's update so please enjoy the read.

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