The drive there was very awkward. No one spoke and aparently the radio wasn't working. Once we finally got there, we were all probably thankful. We walk into a loud booming room full of crazy half drunken teens. Jerry walks up to Keith and the guys and pats them all on the back.

"Hey! My boys! What took you so long!?" They all laugh and Jerry tells us to make ourselves at home. Chris and Beca walk upstairs and leave us alone. Alex asks Ava to dance and they go off into the living room. So it was just me and Keith. He looks down at me and smiles. He says something but I can't hear him.

"What?" I yell, and he gently tugs my hand towards to kitchen.

"You want a drink?" He smiles and let's go of my hand.

"No thanks. I don't drink."

"Me either." He says. I look up at him and he smiles again. He was so gorgeous. Messy brown hair, green eyes, lightly tanned, great smile and an awesome body. He's also incredibly tall. Well, maybe just to me seeing that I'm only 5'4. And seeing all of that, I was very confused as to how this was happening.

"I have a question," I say, he nods. "Why did you ask me to go to this party with you?" He looks into my eyes and shakes his head and says, "Because I like you." I smile and felt myself blush.

"But we barely talk. We have like two classes together, I only see you because of my brother and you never talked to me then either. I didn't even think you thought I existed." I wish I hadn't said the last part. He looks like he's thinking about what I said and smiles.

"Well. I definitely knew you existed Cara. Especially because of your brother. I never talked to you because I liked you. I know that it sounds lame but...I'm older now, I'm more mature, and I want to get to know you." I smile and we walk over to where there's a group of people playing beer pong and truth or dare. We walk onto the back porch and sit on the steps. He turns his head towards me and asks, "So, what's your favorite color?" I laugh loudly.

"Are you serious?" I ask. He nods.

"I don't know, pink, I guess." I tried to say it chill. I didn't want to seem like a loser...which im not by the way.

"Mine's red. What kind of music do you like?"

"All kinds. I used to be in love with the 70's and 80's music..." His face looks shocked and I stammer a bit.

"But I mostly like alternative now. It's r-really cool." I said, soundly like a complete loser. He smiles.

"I like alternative too. But I think I mostly like Indie music. I know its weird but...yah..." He says. My smile widdens and the rest of the night continues with these series of questions.

It was about 10:50  and I tell him that I'm going to the bathroom. I get to the hallway and see Ava and Alex sitting on the floor giggling and holding hands. I see him quickly kiss her cheek and she smiles. They look adorable together. She looks up and sees me and whispers something in his ear and he nods. She gets up and walks towards me smiling.

"Oh my God Cara." We walked into the bathroom and she closes the door behind us.

"Look at you two!" I yell. She shushes me and I giggle.

"Cara, he's perfect! He's so funny, and sweet. Like, I knew he would be the same but I just thought It would be different. I don't know."

"I could say the same about Keith." I say.

"Oh yeah! How was that?"

"We've been sitting outside on the porch talking for a while. He's just such a great guy Ava. And he likes me. He liked me all this time! It's crazy." I say.

"I should get back to him." She hugs me and leaves the bathroom with me walking out behind her.

I go back on the porch and he's still there, thank God.

"Hey." He gets up and brushes the dirt from his jeans."We have to get ready to go. Did you see the others?" I nodded and told him to follow me. We found Alex and Ava kissing when we got to them. Ava jumps up with an embarrassed look on her face. They quickly follow us to find Rebecka and Chris. We see them coming down the stairs laughing and holding hands. Chris comes up to me and puts his arm around me.

"Have a good time sis?" I smelt beer on his breath so I pushed him off me disgusted.

We all pile into the cars and head home. When we got to Ava's house, Alex walks her to her door and kisses her goodnight. Keith looks at me and smiles.

"Had a good time?" I smile at him and nod.

"Do you want to go out with me to dinner tomorrow night?" He asks. Very forward.

"That'd be nice. I'd love to." I smile and hear Alex beep the horn at him.

"Well, I don't kiss on the first date. But I do know a lot about you now." He brushes my hair out of my face and kisses my forehead lightly.

"Night Cara." He lets go of my hand and walks back to his car without letting me reply.

"Goodnight Keith." I whisper under my breath. I turn around and walk into the house with a smile on my face.

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