Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


We drove there in silence. No music, windows up and A.C on. My brother's on the football team with Keith. He's his best friend. I remember when he used to come over everyday and play video games with Chris. He barely ever spoke to me and he never talked to me in school. So it was a little confusing as to why he would want to go to Jerry's party with me. Jerry is Chris's other best friend. He's a complete idiot. I went out with him in middle school for like 2 weeks. Now he's going out with Nicole Davis. Captain of the cheer leading team and "Queen Bee". I hate her, Ava hates her. Everyone hates her. But she's not mandatory or necessary for my life so I ignore everything she does or says. We finally arrived at Cold Stone Creamery and Beca was already there waiting for us. We got out the car and he quickly kissed Beca and went inside.

"What's up with him?" She says.

"I don't know. He's probably pissed that I came with him. He didn't say anything the whole ride here."

"Whatever. Ava texted me and said she had news but to ask you first. What's going on?" I blushed.

"Well, Ava's going to Jerry's party with Alex." Her eyes widened.

"Alex who!?"

"Alex Shepherd." She jumped up and down and hugged me.

"This is huge! Oh my God. We have to sleep over her house tonight! This is like a milestone for her!" It's true. She hasn't had a boyfriend since 7th grade. And this was her all time crush. Beca was so happy she pulled my arm in the direction of Ava's house.

"Rebecca wait! Chris is in there waiting for us."

"I'll text him." She pulled out her phone and started sliding things and typing away. I took the phone from her and pointed angrily at the door to the shop. She sighed heavily and stomped in there.

"Chris, honey, I have a girl emergency can we reschedule?" She batted her eyes and twirled her blonde curls. He just stared at her and then looked back at his ice-cream. There were two other bowls of ice-cream on the table so he must have ordered for us.

"Please babe?" She pleaded. He really loves her and she's madly in love with him but he gives in way to much. He spoils her a lot.

"Whatever Rebecca. You keep postponing our dates to hang out with Cara and Ava or whoever else. Its so freaking irritating!" He got up and threw our ice-creams away.

"Hey, I was going to eat that!" I said. He waved his hand in the air dismissively and walked towards the door.

"See? Look, now he's mad. I'm going to have to hear this all weekend." I say. I'm so sick of his winning you don't even know.

"I'll talk to him later, he'll understand." She walks towards her car and we drive to Ava's house.

           We get there in 5 minutes. When we arrived Ava came running outside and hugs Beca.

"I'm so happy for you! What happened!?" Beca says.

"Well, after practice I dared Alex-" I walked away then. I knew the story and I didn't want to hear it again. I walked into her home and kindly greeted Mrs. Divine. She smiles as she walks over and hugs me tightly. Mrs. Divine is a big woman with short jet black hair and big brown eyes. Her skin is dark brown and she has long eyelashes. To me, she's a very pretty woman. Not only because of er looks, but because of her personality. 

"You want somethin' to drink honey?Lemonade? OJ?" She asks.

"No thank you Mrs. Divine. Where's Timmy?" Timmy is Ava's little brother. He's 3 and talks a lot. She told me he was in the yard so I went to see what he was doing.

"Hi Cara!" He yells. He was sitting on the grass playing with his toys. He jumps up and hugs me.

"Do you wanna play with me? I'm playing superheroes." He smiled at me and pulled my hand. Ava came running outside.

"Call your parents and ask them if you can sleep over!" She yells. I tell Timmy that I'll play with him later and walk inside. Beca was sitting on Ava's bed talking to her mom when I walk in.

"Okay..I love you too..I'll just go pick em' up mom! Okay. Goodnight." She threw her phone on the bed and laid on her back.

"Ugh, my mom is a piece a work man!" She rolls over and puts her hair in a ponytail.

"She's a mom, that's what they do." Ava says.

"Whatever." Beca grumbles.

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