125 The Agreement (Present)

Start from the beginning

For such a situation, they were neither equipped nor trained. He had to get to their emergency vehicle, so he could request further reinforcement with suitable equipment. Whatever happened here, it exceeded the power of the riot police.

The images of his fallen comrades crawled into his mind, but he shook it off resolutely. He could later mourn for them. First he had to get out of here and fulfill his task.

He heard the snuffling of a beast. Grumbling, the creature stomped down the alley - straight to his position. He released his pistol safety and got ready for the firing as the creature let out a shrill scream. There was another roar, then it rumbled in the alley. Startled, the policeman jumped and opened his eyes. What happened?

A tearing sound came to his ear, which was accompanied by a gurgle.

He overcame his fear and peered cautiously around the edge of the container. He spotted the beast lying on the ground with its tongue outstretched, unable to move while a dark pool formed beneath its head. Next to it stood a wolf-like creature, which had a bloodied snout. The creature on the ground began to dissolve slowly.

"You can come out, Mr. Policeman. You're no longer in danger," the wolf said in a female voice, looking him straight in the eye.

In terror, the gun slipped from his hands and clattered on the asphalt. Immediately he reached for it and aimed the barrel at the animal. "What the hell?!"

The creature had a fair fur, which he noticed only when the blood spots on the snout disappeared. The creature sat down and looked at him. "You have nothing to fear from me. I eliminated all the beasts. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that any help is too late for your comrades."

"What are you?" he asked in a tight voice.

"That doesn't matter." Thoughtfully, the she-wolf cocked her head. "If I think about it, I just recognize a favorable opportunity for both of us."

"Are you a Yōkai?"

"You believe in mythical creatures? Interesting." The creature shot up and melted into a swirling mass that formed into a woman. She had long, black hair and dark brown eyes that looked at him with interest. "My name is Sachiko Kuro," the naked woman introduced herself.

For a moment he stared at her with dilated eyes, but then he looked sideways to one side. "Excuse me!" he pressed out.

Sachiko chuckled. "You are really a flagship cop. So polite. Could we please talk briefly?"

"I-I don't know." He looked at her feet. "What do you want to talk about?"

She brushed her hair behind her ears. "Do you feel uncomfortable about me not wearing clothes?"

He nodded once. "Somehow," he muttered meekly.

"Would you rather have me change shape again?"

"No. It's all right. Don't worry about it." The surreal situation upset him, but Kyo didn't feel threatened anymore, so he secured and holstered his service pistol. He rose from the ground and left his cover. His gaze went up over the woman's body to her eyes, which looked at him gently. "What do you want to talk about, Kuro-san?"

She giggled. "Who am I talking to, please?"

He blushed instantly. Quickly, he bowed. "Please forgive me. My name is Kyo Watanabe. Riot police."

"Very pleased, Watanabe-san. Well... I would like to make you an offer that you can hardly turn down."

"What could you offer me?" he wondered.

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