119 Cleanup (Present)

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"Not really. I'm just busy. What do you want?"

"Go out with you. Have a drink. Dance a little bit. Have fun."

She stroked her hair for a moment. "You know that I don't want to hang out with you anymore. Just leave me alone."

"Come on. We always had a good time together."

"Yes, but that was then, and now is now. I don't want to hang out with you right now. Get that in your furry skull." As he looked at her with a raised brow, she added, "Yuna-chan has described you to me."

"Great." He flicked the cigarette into the can. "Guess, I have to force you to your luck." Kenji approached Ayumi, who backed away.

"Just leave me alone. I'm going in now..." She looked around hastily. "My purse."

The fire devil grinned. "Did you forget it? You can sleep at my place."

Annoyed snorted Ayumi. "Don't make a fool of yourself. There's certainly someone there to let me in." She pushed past Kenji, but he grabbed her arm. "Let go!"

"I'm so kind to you, but you have to be so repellent to me."

"If I tell Yuna-chan about this..."

"I'm not afraid of the kid. Don't act all high and come with me."

The redhead tried to break free, but he didn't let go. "I don't want to have anything to do with you. I'm in love with Kyo, so leave me alone!"

"I would listen to the lady." Ayumi's eyes widened and she looked over her shoulder as Kenji let out a growl. "Otherwise, I'll repeat myself as a law enforcement officer. Leave Ayumi alone, Tanaka-san."

"Everything's cool." The oni released her arm, leaving her at a distance. Slowly he approached Kyo.

"Go home, Tanaka-san."

"Or what?" Kenji was smaller, but he grinned cheekily at the police chief.

"I'll call your boss and complain."

"Then she'll hold back my Christmas money." He looked at Ayumi. "Hell, you've chosen a great man. Hiding behind a telephone and his boss."

"You are in the wrong, Tanaka-san. Go home."

"You're getting on my nerves, big guy." Kenji attacked with his right fist, but Kyo barely managed to fend off the blow and backed away.

"Stop it, Tanaka! I'm ready to ignore this slip-up, but another attack will have civil consequences!"

"I shit on your human laws, you wanker!" Kenji attacked again, but the policeman brought him down with a leg sweeper. The fire devil's face slammed on the sidewalk and Kyo rolled his arm on his back.

"If you leave now, we'll forget about this. If you continue, I will arrest you. Do you understand me, Tanaka-san?"

"Kyo! He's dangerous!" Ayumi wailed, but at that moment flames were licking from Kenji's eyes and he threw the man off of him.

"You're totally getting on my balls, you wimp," Kenji snarled, flames flaring at his skin.

The police chief got up and raised his hands. "Calm down, Tanaka! Nobody needs to be hurt!"

"You're the only one who gets hurt." A fireball appeared in his hand after Kenji stood upright.

"Kenji, stop!" Ayumi shouted, standing between them. Tears shone in her eyes. "You behave exactly like the monster you don't want to be!"

The fire went out. "Ayumi..."

"Just leave us alone!"

He stared at her for a moment, then couldn't stand her gaze any longer. "Fuck!" The fire devil turned around and walked away.

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