117 Wasn't There Something... (Present)

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A bloody grin graced the oni's face as she sat up. "Okay. You can really fight back. I won't hold myself back anymore, little one." Ice crystals spread across her skin, forming a thick shell. Her eyes sparkled with aggression in the dark. "I'll crack your armor and then I'll take off your skin."

Yuna couldn't resist a mocking smile. "You almost sound like Tirr. Let's see if I can wrestle you down as fast."

"NO! I have nothing in common with him!" yelled Yukiko and plunged back into the fight.

With clenched teeth, the Masuda girl backed away. The truth was that right now she was just risking a big mouth. She had not the slightest idea how to end this fight. With all the ice on her body, Yukiko moved a little slower, but that was all. Every hit of her affected everything around them. Wood splinters whirled through the air, leaves were torn from their branches and all vegetable life was crushed under their bodies.

I need a weapon.

She fought off a few more blows, trying to search as much of her surroundings as possible. A thick branch or something would be enough. In combination with her power, she would have something to keep Yukiko at bay. She actually discovered a broken branch that could fulfill this function. Yuna rammed her opponent and pushed her back as she struck her. She threw Yukiko on her back and then sprinted to the piece of wood on the floor.

Relief came over her as her hand wrapped around the branch. She yanked it up and pointed the tip at the oni who was straightening up. "Are you serious? You want to fight me with a stick?"

Yuna grinned crookedly. "Unfortunately I ran out of swords and knives."

"You are quite disturbed." A new lance appeared in Yukiko's hand. "Show me your stick swinging skills."

"With pleasure." The huntress rushed forward with the raised branch and struck. The wood skidded over the ice lance, with countless bits of ice splintering and sailing to the ground. At the next blow, Yuna grabbed the lance with her free hand and pushed the tip of her branch into Yukiko's abdomen, which forced her back.

"Pah. Without your power you'd be nothing."

Yuna's eyes narrowed. "The same goes for you."

With a scream of rage Yukiko unleashed another cold blast, which let the branch freeze. The changed weight brought Yuna off balance and she stumbled forward. This opportunity, the ice oni used to flung her opponent with a powerful chin hook in the air. Yuna whirled through the thicket, losing her branch, and hit hard on the ground. A cloud of earth whirled away from her mouth as the air was squeezed out of her lungs. She came to her knees, but her opponent already struck with another blow and hurled Yuna through another group of bushes. The back of her head hit the ground. The huntress once allowed herself to snort in frustration before her hands pushed her up from the ground. Above her, she spotted a tree house from which a rope ladder hung.

Tree house... Forest at school...

She opened her eyes and looked around frantically. The leaves of the bushes in front of her rustled. Quickly, she squatted and pushed off with all her strength. Her fingers snaked around one of the rungs, whereupon she climbed up before Yukiko stepped out of the bushes.

"Ma~su~da," she sang. Yuna looked down.

School uniform. At night.

When she tried to orient herself, her eyes glanced over the trees in front of the entrance. There was a pond somewhere near here. All the components of the vision were fulfilled. Maybe she could wait here until the ice oni moved on. While she stood motionless and listened for her opponent's footsteps, the whirring of the cicadas became unbearably loud. On the other hand, this might also disturb Yukiko. "Where are you hiding, you coward?" shouted the walking ice cube. The huntress dared not even to breathe.

Onihunter Yuna 2Where stories live. Discover now