Chapter 49: Left Unsolved

Start from the beginning

"Well, looky here. Cyrus has a pack of playing cards. What did you say you were using them for?"

"They're for my performance at tomorrow's talent show."

"You doin' magic tricks or something? How lame. Well come on then. Tell us what you'll do."

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

"Just as well, you probably suck at it," said the first bully.

They then looked at each other before the second one spoke. "Hey, you know what these would be great for?"

"What?" asked the first bully.

"Poker night. Yeah, we'll invite all our friends. This loser can even come. He supplied the cards after all."

This was the first time that Cyrus' bullies had offered him any sort of olive branch, and he did not know how to feel. Having read several books on magical philosophy, he knew the only true way to find purpose in life is to make the most of every opportunity. He accepted their invitation with that in mind.

Later that night, the boys woke Cyrus up and lead him to their secret hideout, where they and several other orphans hung out and did things that were against the institution's rules. A few of the kids were smoking cigarettes and a kid in the corner was etching a crude portrait of a supervisor into the wall with a pocket knife. All of the kids smiled when the bullies showed up.

One of the younger kids came up to shake their hands. He mentioned the bullies by name, allowing Cyrus to learn who they were. The one who usually asked to see his bag was Frank, and the one who usually searched it was Vince. Since "Hardy" was the name given to all of the children of the orphanage, that part did not need to be said to be known.

"This is Cyrus, he's a bit of a dork, but he brought playing cards, so tonight we're gonna use them to play poker!" said Frank. "Y'all better have your chips!"

Cyrus played poker with the group, and to their surprise, he won the first game.

"How'd you do that?" asked Vince.

"I don't know. I read that some magicians have something called 'Luck Affinity' that gives them an advantage in life. Don't know if I believe it though. And even if it were real, I doubt that I'd have it."

"So what, you think you're a real magician?" asked one of the kids who was smoking.

"I know I am. And at the talent show tomorrow, I will show everyone what I am truly capable of."

They continued to play without bringing up Cyrus' words. Once they were bored, they gave him back his cards, and they all went back to the dorms to sleep.

The next day was the day of the talent show. Many young orphans gave their best singing, dancing, acting, and so forth whilst trying to impress the headmaster. Cyrus was a late entry and so was the last act to perform. He walked onto the stage, and immediately his entry set him apart from the others. While most of the other kids had been nervous, and some cocky, he was completely calm. There was no indication that he felt anything about his upcoming performance.

Even so, when he approached the microphone, a smirk came across his face. He spoke with clarity, as if he had done this before, or was destined to do this.

"Ladies and gentleman of the Wunteering Orphanage, the act you are about to see contains confronting imagery. You can be rest assured, it is all part of the act."

He outstretched his arms before rising two feet in the air.

"Without further ado, let the show begin!"

A pink puff of smoke enveloped the boy and cleared to reveal that he had vanished. More smoke appeared at the back of the hall, and once it had cleared, the audience could see that he was standing on the wall. He walked down the wall until he stood upright on the ground, and walked back to the stage.

"That was my warm-up, now it is time for the real act!"

He held out his right hand, and waved his left hand over it. His pack of playing cards appeared and he smiled.

"These cards have been enchanted so that I can call them back to me at any time. However, if someone else is holding a card when I recall it, they will die. I will require a volunteer that is willing to put their card on the floor, or willing to die. This is some real magic here, folks, so follow my instructions or there will be consequences."

Three volunteers came forward, they were Frank, Vince, and a young female orphan. The three of them picked their cards from the deck and took their seats, as Cyrus had seemingly teleported their chairs to the stage. He instructed them to know what their cards were, and to put them face down on the floor. He said that when he recalls the cards, those who lie about their card or try to hold on to it will die.

The girl went first, and followed all instructions given. She was returned to her spot in the audience safe and sound. Vince was next, and though he doubted the claims that he will die, he did not pick up the card. When asked about his card, he lied. As a result he disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. Reflexively, Frank picked up his card, thinking that it was all a hoax. He was asked if he wanted to put the card on the floor, and when he refused, also disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.

"It is a shame those two did not follow the rules I so clearly set out for them. They knew that the consequences were dire, and yet they stood in defiance of them."

He raised his hands, and two blue puffs of smoke came down from the ceiling. Two bodies fell down from the smoke and landed on the stage. Wherever the two boys had gone, it was clear now that they were dead.

"This is what happens when you defy a magician! No longer shall I be the loser, the punching bag, the one to steal from! I am your judgment! I am power!"

In an instant, everything went black. James watched, amazed. What just happened? he thought.

I blacked out, thought Martin. Just keep watching.

The scene below them changed. The young boy awoke in a fancy room, perhaps someone's study. There was a large window with a view overlooking an even larger city.

"I saw the whole thing you know," said a voice.

The young boy looked around and realised that an older man was standing right in front of him. He also realised that he was tied to a chair.

"Your power will serve our family well. My name is Herman Summers, though you will address me as Mr. Summers, or if you prefer, father," said the man.

"Am I getting adopted?" asked Cyrus.

"Yes. Your new name is Martinigold Summers. My boy, you have a natural propensity for the mystic arts. As such, I am going to teach you everything my family knows."

Martinigold smiled knowing that his new life had just begun.

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