Chapter 104: A Visitor Arrived

Start from the beginning

With shaggy hair and naked upper body that's full to the brim with tattoos, The Predator made only a slight acknowledgement and bid farewell.

Although this wasn't part of the original plan, The Predator had always loved "women" and doing a few things with them as if they were his prey.

He received his "title" due to this, branded to him by those who had come across his path and those who had fallen to his game.

The Haven Dust President clicked his tongue as he glanced at the retreating image of the man.

After that, his gaze went back to the panel window and watched the unfolding scene with the same look of delight on his face.

Moments later, he received an email from some NPC about a video call request.

"What? Who gave him my direct contact?"

As he read the email, he frowned. It said that he had to meet someone and that he had to keep the meeting entirely secret.

The man then thought angrily, a visitor arrived?

But I didn't give the order for any visitor to be entertained in this time of the day!

"What bastards! Don't they know who I am and the consequences of annoying me?" he roared loudly and began to move as well.

The overbearing content of the email was actually alarming. As such, he went to the conference room of their building and met this certain person that the email introduced.

"Who are you?"

The man, wearing elaborate clerical clothes under a set of gold and white armor, did not reply a word and instead pulled out a delicate-looking parchment decorated in golden hieroglyphics. He gave it to the Haven Dust President wordlessly.

The President received the item with big haughty smiles and his attitude and face obviously radiated his annoyance. Yet just moments later... all of his arrogance and his vanity vanished and he was full of sweat as he read the contents.

It was the first line that made him on the edge of his seat. By the time he finished, he was already palpitating and he was looking at the man in front of him with both reverence and fear.

If the contents of this parchment are true, then—

No, the sender, first, is he really...

No, more than that... I've heard the rumours but I didn't expect that there's actually...

Ah! No, before that... if they're really that big and powerful, then... then...

The source of this decree, he thought, it was an existence that he didn't know is actually much, so much bigger than The Union inside the game. If they gave the order, they can destroy them in a single night.

This force, this unknown NPC organization, they called themselves the Theocracy.

...and they gave the order for the Haven Dust to be their iron fist to enact judgement to the traitors of the entire Terran Race.

"If I can get the favor of the Theocracy, then I can not only crush Blue Card Merchant Group, I can even fight against the bastards of The Union!"

His ambition sparkled, he disregarded his dignity.

The Haven Dust President faced the "Paladin of Justice" in front of him and bowed.

"I shall follow as you ordered."

The Paladin didn't answer but smiled and waved him to go.


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