Gratefulness and Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

"I wonder if they have it? I know that she'd definitely be there today." Kuzuku muttered to himself while wandering the store. His eyes then caught the item that he had been looking for. He turned and walked towards the pile of the same item that he had been looking for and picked the nicest and most lively one he could see. It was a large bouquet of flowers that contained a variety of colors.

"These flowers should be good." Kuzuku chirped. As he went on to turn around, he seemed to have bumped into someone, causing them to stumble back a bit.

"Hey watch where you are going, you could of broken one of my heels." A long, light blue haired girl wearing a blue long-sleeve sweater and a purse complained. A large man wearing a suit came quickly to her aid, passing off that this girl must be pretty rich.

"Sorry, I should of been more careful." Kuzuku smiled. The girl was taken back a bit by his response and softened up to notice he was in crutches and had various bandages all over his body, making her wonder about how he received such injuries. She let out a deep sigh knowing that having her bodyguard to teach him a lesson would be a waste of an effort since he is pretty much injured.

"Its fine, but have better awareness next time." She scolded as she walked past him. Kuzuku was left dumbfounded by a little bit since he didn't expect to be let off that easily. He smiled at how much of a softy she was and decided to thank her.

"Thank you....uh?" Kuzuku called out but didn't know her name.

"It's Merisa Hashi." She said, pausing her movements before walking away. Our Saiyan hero nodded and made his way towards the register, paying for the flowers before leaving the store. He checked his phone for the time to find out that it was 3:30 PM.

"3:30 already? I guess having crutches and all slows you down greatly. I can't wait till those senzu beans regrow." Kuzuku said. Once he found a secluded alleyway, he went on to sense 21's energy, noticing that she was at the place where she usually goes after a conference, such as today. In mere moments, he left the alley with his technique that he's loved so dearly.

-Instant Transmission SFX-

The Saiyan had arrived where he sensed 21's Ki. The area was surrounded by trees, indicating that they were indeed in a forest or what seemed to be a large open area in the forest. The leaves seemed to fall gracefully onto the ground as the wind blew. Kuzuku looked around for a moment before he spotted the girl that's been a blessing to his life in her majin form, standing their with her work clothes . She was standing over what seemed to be a makeshift grave that resided under a tree that stood centered of the open area. He walked over to alert his presence to his girlfriend.

"In your majin form while in your work clothes is new." Kuzuku said, gaining the attention of 21. She jumped when he heard his voice, giving off a pouting face to the Saiyan for scaring her.

"You know, a light tap on the shoulder helps a lot you know." 21 pouted. Kuzuku let out a slight chuckle and step towards the grave sight.

"I'm sorry for that 21, I couldn't resist but hey, I did bring flowers for him." Kuzuku smiled, placing the flowers on the grave and went back to her side. The two merely stared off at the tombstone that had nothing written on it. On one thing was there and that was a photo of Android 16 that leaned itself on it. After a several minutes of just being in deep thought, 21 let out a slight giggle that caught Kuzuku's attention.

"What's so funny?" Kuzuku asked.

"Heheheh. Just a thought." 21 replied, gaining a eyebrow raised from the Saiyan. 21 stopped laughing for a moment before looking back at the grave of Android 16.

"Its just that it's funny that Android 16 was actually modeled after my son. I didn't quite know much about him other than the fact he was just a baby when he was born. Not too long after.......well you know. But despite knowing that, I can't even recall his name. Some type of mother I am huh?" 21 noted. She felt as if she was about to cry until she felt Kuzuku's strong arms wrap around her, causing her to look up before having his lips placed onto hers. Kuzuku retracted the kiss and looked into her widened blue eyes and smiled.

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