A clip started in which all the nominees were shown, when I popped up the audience was extra loud and Pez squeezed my hand, sensing my nervousness. "It´s alright, baba. I´m still proud of you" she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek briefly.

It calmed me down immediately, she just has this effect on me, and I´m really thankful for that, even in the most stressful times she calms me by just being there. I focused on my wonderful fiance and forgot about Jennifer announcing the winner in this category. Suddenly loud cheers erupted and I looked at Pez confused, "What´s up?"

"You just won baba! Go and get your surfboard" she told me and pushed me forward lightly, I got on stage, highfiving some fans and fellow celebs on the way there. Jennifer waited with the surfboard in her arms, a big grin on her face.

"Took you long enough, Jade" she muttered laughing lightly.

I glared at her and stood in front of the mic, "Wow, this is my first time being nominated for the TCAs and I won already, this is so great thank you so much for voting and supporting me throughout all of this, you guys made this happen. Thank you" I was about to leave the stage when someone with 2 other surfboards came.

"Are these for me?" the person nodded and "I want to thank you guys yet again, you´re the bomb the best fans ever, thank you so much for making this possible. And I want to thank another really important person in my life. This person is actually here tonight" The crowd got even louder once again and suddenly Jen hugged me from the side. "It´s me, I know"

"No it actually isn´t, sorry Jen" she pouted and went away, her shoulders sunken. "This person makes every day of my life better, she is the reason behind my smile. Just before I went on here she calmed me down, thank you so much for keeping me sane in this insane world. For those who don´t know these words are for the special woman in my life Perrie. Pez I love you, thanks for always being there for me" I sent her an air kiss, which she pretended to catch and brought to her heart and I saw her mouthing "I love you too" causing me to smile and make my way off stage again.

I eventually took my seat next to Pez again, she kissed me instantly, "that was really cute, baba" she told me smiling from ear to ear. "You are really cute" I told her and kissed her cheek yet again. She layed her head on my shoulder, enjoying being so close to me and I enjoyed her closeness as well.

~flashback over~

I won another 5 surfboards after that and right now they´re standing in our bedroom, we haven´t figured out where to put them exactly, but right now it seems like some sort of compromise solution. I pulled Pez closer to me, and kissed her forehead, I smiled when I spotted a content smile on my fiance´s face.

I went on twitter, yesterday I tweeted about a twitcam today, Leigh said it would be the best for the fans to find out and have some time with me as well, so we agreed on doing that. Pez will do it with me, but I guess she´ll be asleep for a part of it.

I tweeted saying:

Get ready the twitcam starts in a few minutes :) if you guys want to tweet about it, do it with the #Jerrie´ssuperdupertwitcam hope everyone tunes in xx

And so I got everything ready for the twitcam, and clicked on the go live button, I think it worked because I could see myself and the comments pop up.

"Hello guys, it´s Jade here, I hope you guys are doing good. For those wondering where Pez is, she´s right here" I moved the laptop so that they could see my gorgeous fiance still fast asleep. "As you see she´s still asleep, even though it´s 2PM, I guess she´s still tired from all the work this week."

Pez was really stressed out this week, because the headmaster had told her about a play he wanted her to perform on Friday, so she only had a week to cast and for everyone to learn the lines and all that. So she´s been really really stressed out, but the play was yesterday and she got good critics, for it. So there´s nothing to stress over anymore, I had to carry her home yesterday though, due to her being extremely exhausted and she fell asleep in my arms so what should I have done instead.

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