Chapter 28- Game On

Start from the beginning

"Oh no sweetheart, she's dead as a doornail. But someone very close to her is the reason all of this is happening, and the reason that within the next few days you will all be dead. You sooner than the rest." She stops heating up the blade

"What? I don't understand-"

"Oh please, don't be coy. We know you had a vision, and you saw everything, and snitches just have to get stitches." She starts sharpening the blade, I shake my head. "You're wrong! I never saw who it was behind the mask. All I said was that we have to find Will. I don't even know who Will is!"

"Will has everything to do with this. You'll see eventually. Well, you won't, but your friends will." It was as if something had clicked on my brain because the minute the Royal went to lunge at me, I set her on fire.

I'm not going down without a fight.

Nick's POV
We eventually made it to the academy. The only problem was that I had no idea where anyone was. Luckily for me, I had Will, and his magic was strong enough to locate Wren.

"She's in the corridors. That's where they took me. This isn't good." He had a look of fear on his face, panic ran through my body. "Why? What's wrong?"

He didn't answer.

"Will?" He shook his head. "Let's just say that no good comes out of the corridors. I did some unspeakable things while I was there, and I'm just worried about mom and what they'll make her do."

At first I was trying to question what he meant but then it clicked. The one thing Wren said they used against her.


"turns out that even though Clara wanted me dead, she didn't want me to live with the burden of blood lust... Eventually the academy used Casey to their advantage. They made me kill innocent people and I couldn't do anything about it because Casey was the one taking the wheel. They preyed on my weaknesses because they claimed it would make me stronger when in reality it only made me more emotionally unstable. And eventually they used magic to cloak themselves to look like all of you and one by one they made me kill. It was awful!"

There was a scream. Will and I looked at each other uneasily and started running to we're it came from. "We have to find her."

We found the door where the screams were coming from and we barged through. That was mistake number one.

"STOP!" Piper screamed as Wren sliced her arms with a knife. I was in shock. "No. You all think you're so high and mighty. Well how does this feel princess?!" Wren shouts, slashing Piper once again.

Will was stuck in place.

"Will come on we have to help, what's wrong with you?!" I scold, he shakes his head as Wren keeps slashing Piper. "This isn't what I pictured her to be like at all."

"You have to remember that this isn't her. It's Casey her alter ego, this must be an effect from the hex. We got rid of Casey for good. Something is fishy here." I couldn't point my finger on it, all I knew was that I needed to get Wren's humanity back.

"Wren Stop!" I shout, she glared over in our direction and laughs. "Why? Just because you told me so? I don't do rules Nick. You should know this by now." She went to slit Piper's throat but Will stopped her.

"Mom stop!" He shouts, she looks at him and chuckles. "Sorry boy but I think you have me mistaken for someone else. Now get out of my face and let me do my business."

"Why are you doing this?!" He shouts angrily, I could see tears welling up in his eyes, I shook my head as I glanced over at Wren to see the demonic glare in her eyes. "Will don't-"

"NO! This isn't how it's supposed to be! This isn't you mom!" He screams, Wren throws Piper into the corner and walls over to us. "I told you to go, now you're gonna regret it." She grabs Will by the neck and starts choking him.

"Wren Stop." She smirks and her grip on his neck becomes harder. "I didn't want it to come to this." Will chokes out. He raises his hand to her shoulder and she goes flying into the corner.

"Bring it on little witch." I was frozen. I can't believe this is happening. She charged at him, using her strength to fling him into the wall, he hit his head. There was lots of blood.

"I told you to stay away. Say hello to Grayson for me." She built up a fireball in her hands, that's when I found myself able to step in.

"YOU'RE KILLING YOUR SON!" I scream at the top of my lungs, she looks at me uneasily. "I don't have a son." I could tell she was slowly coming back to reality so I continued.

"He's from the future. The Royals took him as a baby and have been keeping him here ever since. By killing him right now you will kill yourself. You're pregnant Wren. Please don't kill our son." Tears start to form in her eyes. "Our son?" I nod, she smiles.

"Come back to me Wren. Get rid of Casey for good so we can raise this baby." She shut her eyes and opened then back up again. I knew it was her the minute she hugged me.

"Dad?" Will said weakly, we both ran over to him. He was bleeding from the head, it's bad. "Piper help! Please!" She ran over to the both of us, and glared at Wren.

"Why should I help you?"

"Please! He's dying!" She screams, tears rolling down her face. Piper sighs and bends down to touch Will. She puts her hands on Will's head and closes her eyes. When she opened them Will was still bleeding.

"It's not working!" A tear falls down Piper's face. Wren shakes her head. "No. It has to work! Please try again!"

Piper places her hands on his head once again and close her eyes. Nothing happened. He's dying. "No! No please don't die! I'm so sorry!" Wren cries into his shoulders, he shakes his head.

"It's okay...I just...wanted" He started fading away and that is when I realized that he was really gone. I started to cry, Wren was the worst of all.


"No. Nothing you say can fix this. I just killed our son out of cold blood. I deserve to die!" She cries, Piper shakes her head. "No. It wasn't you Wren it was Casey, the Royals hexed us somehow. The Royals created Casey, so they killed him not you. It's not your fault-"

"Yes it is. I allowed myself to be in that situation. I thought we got rid of her for good! I'm so angry!" Fire started building up in her hands, Piper and I share a worried glance.

"Then take that anger and use it to fight the Royals. They're the reason Will is dead. They created Casey, not you. We need to stand together and fight for Will. Please Wren." I could tell that her sadness was turning into anger. After a few minutes her tears stopped and she put her game face on.

"You're right. The Royals have one thing coming for them and that's death. Game on." She got up and started flinging things across each hallway.

"YOU WANTED US YOU BASTARDS! COME AND FIGHT SON OF A BITCH!" There was a flash of light that came from the other end of the corridors. It was a group of the Royals, all of them in dark cloaks with red eyes.

The three of us looked at each other and smirked. Wren made fireballs with her hands and smirked wider. "Game on."

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