"Marika. Relax. I'm not doing anything to you. I..."

"And why are you throwing him out then? Why are you hurting me so much?!" In the face of her daughter's frenzy, the oni blinked helplessly. "Why are you doing this to me?" Again the girl cried.

"Try to rest, Marika."

Yukiko got up from the bed, ran her fingers through her hair, and left her child's room. Straightway she marched into the living room.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she yelled at Tirr.

Startled, the oni jumped on his pile of pillows. "What?" he asked irritated.

"What did you do to Marika?" Her eyes sparkled with anger.

"Nothing... what do you think I did?" He stared blankly at his hostess.

She snorted furiously. "Do you think I'm stupid?!"

He scrambled to his feet. "What?! No! What's happening? Why is she crying this time?"

"Because of you!" He noticed that icy claws formed on her hands.

Serenely, Tirr raised his hands. "I didn't do anything. I don't know what's going on, okay? Calm down, Yukiko-san."

Threateningly she came closer. "Tell me the truth. I'm warning you!" she hissed. "I'll skin you alive."

For the first time, Tirr was really scared of his mentor. He had never seen her so angry despite his occasional provocations. Still, he didn't know what she wanted from him. In her aggressive appearance, he had to think of a lioness who defended her cub.

"I swear to you I didn't do anything!"

"LIAR!" Like a fury, the ice oni rushed at her protege. He grabbed her wrists to ward off her attack.


Her red-glowing eyes sparkled at him murderously. "I DEMANDED ONLY ONE THING! ONLY ONE!" she screamed.

"I didn't do anything!" When Tirr noticed the ice claws bending in his direction, he flung the blue-haired away from him. "Stop it!"

"MAMA!" Marika's shaking voice sounded behind them. Both oni looked to the high-school student. "Leave him alone!"

"Marika..." the oni breathed.

"Stop fighting." With reddened eyes, the girl came over and put her hands on the ice formations that were between the oni.

Yukiko lowered her arms. "But..."

Protective, the brown-haired stood in front of Tirr. "Stop it, Mom. Leave him alone."

"Marika..." Perplexed, Tirr stared at the high-school student's back.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, smiled softly, and turned back to her mother. "It's not his fault."

"How can it not be his fault?!" Yukiko snapped in exasperation.

The girl swallowed hard, casting another shy glance over her shoulder before answering, "It's not his fault I fell in love with him."

Tirr froze. What did she say? She was in love with him? He knew what it was about, but he had never experienced it before. Scenes from shows and movies he had seen appeared in his mind. He saw Sachiko and Shi together. Yukiko and another, unknown oni. Love. Partnership.

Onihunter Yuna 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें