An Unfinished Business

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Claw stared at the last item on the list. The Realm of Nood ? What the hell was that? It had all races present ? No way. He tried to clear his head by shaking it, he hoped they would leave this one for later, it looked very fishy.

He looked at his right hand, he had two rings on it now. Finishing all the previous dungeons, they were able to obtain some cool enchanted items. Haim was exhilarated even now by the fact, a valuable enchanted items could be appraised by his [Appraisal]. It turned out it could be used even on a normal items, but in regard of normal damage, it was very inaccurate. The damage of a weapon depended on speed, power, angle, spot which was hit and so forth. The only practical thing was, the [Appraisal] skill could show the effects, which had been imbued into enchanted items Claw had snatched for himself the two rings, but honestly, the effects were quite useless. The first was giving the wearer the ability to breath under water and the second was enhancing his taste, how splendid! On the other hand, now he could enjoy the meals he liked even more. He hoped they would be able to get something more interesting next time.

He could have sold the rings for money, but why? He did not need money, all he would ever need would be provided for him by Nemu. The poor care about money, the rich care about resources and he was Nemu's valuable resource, so why would he care about money?

Wich such thoughts in his head, he mounted a gryphon, grabbing the rider in front of him. He wonderd if they had solved the case with the lost gryphon rider, he could tell they did not, the riders's faces looked like they had eaten a bucket full of lemons. All the riders were quite attached to their beasts . The sure way to anger them was to put down one of their beasts like the kidnappers did.

The rider waited for a signal and they took off heading for the first dungeon from the next batch, Claw did not know which one it was. The Hidden Mansion was out of question, as well as the one with sabre cats. He knew Davena, she had surely picked the easiest one for the start.

He paid no attention to the direction they were flying, leaving Skzroc behind with all its floating platforms and colonies. As a result, the destination really surprised him.

"You are kidding me." Around him, Claw could see a well-known scenery, the scenery of the Forgotten Cemetery. "Hey, what is wrong with you? This is level six!"

"Yeah, yeah, but count with me. let's say we go to the Abandoned Tavern, or the Enchanted Glade. There are humans and elves, both of them have base attributs around one hundred. That means level five elf is more dangerous than level six skeleton which has base attributes about sixty. " Claw stared at her like he had just an empy sockets instead of eyes. "Do the math Claw, this is the easiest dungeon."

They inspected the owner's mood and it stated "Angry", which was probably better than furious.

"Let's peek inside, it will be a start." Davena led the group inside to the first location and waited to find out, if Orthos would give a chase. After a considerable while, there was no sign of him and they continued forward.

Being level three, the first locations were a walk in a park for them, the only complication was The Bookkeeper, but they managed to kill him, before he used his annoying book.

"Ah, good old catacombs." Claw breathed in the rancid air.

"Yeah, a lovely place indeed." Mei suppressed her urge to plug her nose with something.

"Here is the problem, the final boss calls every unkilled mini-bosses to help him. we already know where The Hidden Tomb is, but it would be wise to clear The Hidden Tomb first. "

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