New Beginnings

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Alexius swung his pickaxe harder than he had intended, rock flying all around him.

"Ubelievable. We, the mighty heroes, the strongest individuals in this backwards kingdom and we are digging ore!" Another spray of rocks flew in all directions. Wenrir thought he had not been using their full potential and assigned Alexius and Claw to a team on the floor fourty two, digging one of the unique resources their team had been able to localize, it's name was [Nubilium]. They found the same ore during their mission, but they were digging on another site intentionally, after the incident with the waterlord, everyone was reluctant to go deeper than fifty floors. They believed there were other incidents involving that creature, everyone had learned a similar lesson as them, it was dangerous to go too deep. The positive thing about the waterlord was, there were no elementals on lover levels, they had encountered just one on the floor fifty five, but now they had to pay attention, floors above the sphere of influence of the waterlord were infested with elementals and other nasty creatures.

"Look who is crying, I thought vampires were inexhaustible." Claw laughed at him.

"Silence reptile, we will see who is going to have better results at the end of the day." Wenrir had a solid reason to send them here, [Nubilium] ore was extremely hard, to the point it was almost impossible to dig it.

"Damn, another one." Claw broke his pickaxe again. "Could not they do something more durable?"

"The stuff is too hard bro, this is not going to work." A dwarven overseer and a guard at the same time scratched his head.

"Do not say, we have not noticed." Alexius replied venomously. "Claw what about that poison of yours, the corroding one?"

"Not good, it would be destroyed, but we can try to apply heat to it. How hot can you make it hitting it with [Flame Spike] several times?"

"The same spot?Quite hot, we can try it." Alexius used the spell four times and Claw tried to dig out the heated piece of ore. After a while, yet another Claw's pickaxe was ruined, but thez got out a large chunk of the ore. After plenty of [Flame Spike]s Alexius was out of magical energy and they had ruined all the tools in their vicinity, but the result was perfect. The overseer ran to them, absorbed by their progress.

"Marvellous! You have so much ore! I have to adopt the technique." He run away to arrange changes in their technology of digging.

"I think that's it, we have done our share of work." They took the ore and went back to Wenrir. He was in the middle of some project, but as soon as he saw the ore, they had his full attention.

"Well done! Your wives are on a mission at the marketplace, you can join them and relax a bit. It is an easy mission and you can see the heart of the mine while at it."

"Eh. . . of course, we will join them."

* * * *

Mei and Davena watched Tharm examining the goods of the merchant in front of them. Their mission was simple, to go through the marketplace and watch for any new metals, their prices and quantities. The marketplace was on the fifth floor and was really big, located in a few huge caves, it was comparable to the market district of Castello di Montagne.

Tharm frowned finishing his list of ores, they could not find anything new anymore. Naturally, they did not bother with [Common] or [Valuable] ones.

"Seems that is all for now." He showed them the list to verify his findings. They looked at it a nodded, these were all the metals they had seen here with their average price.

[RARE] -2g/1 [Living Iron], 2g/1 [Living Silver], - 3g/1 [Corrupted iron]

[UNIQUE] -180g/1 [Nubilium], 22g/1 [Orichalkum], -4g/1 [Atratum]

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