Just Another Adventure

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He was laying flat on the very top of a mountain. Looking down with his nonexistent eyes, his head would have spun if he had one. He gazed into the deep chasm below, without a trace of fear. Being stuck here was no fun at all, he had browsed almost all his memories already and had nothing to do. Memories of a family he once had, of many things he saw, of lives he lived. . .

"Just fall already, you stupid mountain."

In the past he had doubted his sanity, but now he knew for certain something had gone wrong somewhere and the resulting defected object – him, was forced to experience things beyond anyone's wildest imagination.

While cursing his bad luck, he felt a slight movement. It forced him out of his negative mood. Small sparkle of hope began to burn in his stony brain.

Not a long time afterwards, an avalanche pulverized him with its massive weight. If someone had listened very closely, it seemed one crushed stone was giving off a strange laugh-like sound. But it was an illusion for sure, for stone to laugh. . such a nonsense.

* * * *

He opened his eyes (WHAT ?? He had eyes, how splendid) and looked for his hands . . .and there they were! His own hands. He wasn't this happy for ages.

But another unusual thing stuck him like thunder. He was full grown. How could this be? He had just gained consciousness of this body, it was highly unexpected. Even in his unorthodox existence he was used to being born as an infant, whatever species it had been, all starts with an infant right?

He intended to fight for this existence with all his might. This incarnation was a thousand times better than being a stone, squirrel, peach tree or a four-dimensional cube. He subconsciously checked the number of the dimensions of this world, anything above three was giving him headaches

"And good old three it is" He mumbled with a broad smile.

"What nonsense is that? Can you believe it Alexius, this bastard is laughing in our face. Why is this walking corpse still standing? "

A short man in shabby clothes was looking at a person wearing a red coat, similar to his own. This man – Alexius was apparently more surprised than his companion. His dignified appearance damaged by his shock.

Now, when his pleasant existence was confirmed, he had no time to waste. It seemed this duo were no friends of his, strictly speaking of the former inhabitant of this body.

His thoughts raced through his brain, he glanced at his surroundings and at his enemies.The short man looked like a bandit, a fitting figure for the filthy hut they were in. With a dagger drawn in his hand, it would be tough to take him on bare handed. The taller one was some kind of a mage probably. It seemed they were astonished by the fact he was still alive.

"Marius ?" The mage asked with a big question mark in his face.

So this is my body-donor's name, they've killed him apparently. In a second, he will understand my circumstances, I must act now.

"Fireball. " Roared freshly baptized Marius 2, while making an ominous gesture, throwing some garbage he found in his pocket at the short man.

Shorty panicked. Squeaking in a high pitch voice, he jumped backwards. But In his haste, he tripped over and landed on his back. That confirmed Marius – that was his identity now, was a mage. Marius continued in his devilish attack with his true weapon, which he had found on the floor during their confusion.

"Bang!" Loud ringing sound echoed through his ears. Reason for it was a skillfully wielded frying pan banging into the head of Alexius.

In a quick move Marius picked up the dagger shorty had dropped on the floor and after a gruesome struggle butchered the short man. He was not a violent man, but he did not plan to be killed because of some mercy acting.

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