A New Factor

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Kenshi looked into the distance and breathed in the fresh air, blowing in his face. He was afraid of gryphons at first, but now, he spent his free time riding them, exploring the mountains he had always saw on the horizon from his village.

The new school was thousand times better than the previous one. Everyone was so nice to him, not a slightest sign of bullying . Truth be told, after Davena's introduction, no one was stupid enough to harm him, presuming there was some relationship between them. In fact, Davenahad intended to give a rise to these suspicions. It was an easy way to prevent further problems with Kenshi's lack of prestige.

Gryhpon was a beast with the torso of a lion and its head was of an eagle. Naturally, the head was proportional to its body, so its beak was quite big. Having a beak able to bite a man's head off and claws of a lion, gryphons were dangerous creatures. The might of the gryphons in Skyrock Castle was equal to the Castle's dragons, but only thanks to the fact it was common to use lesser dragons for riding, because just a few dragon riders managed to control true dragons and even those were just teenagers from a dragon's point of view.

The advantage in having different mounts in its armz was in their varying attributes and resistances. Gryphons were susceptible to fire, poison and physical damage. Dragons had high resistances to everything and their long wing span was suitable for longer flights.. On the other hand, gryphons had high maneuverability and were much more agile in city fights. Flying in the city with many high structures was complicated for a dragon rider.

He flew in the middle of the mountain range, when he noticed a strange mountain. It was a bit hidden among the other peaks and its top was without snow, just a giant, flat plateau. Flying near the object of his interest, he noticed the mountain had a strange shape. It was not round, its base was a square. He imagined a pyramid in the place where the mountain stood and it fit the image, except for the tip, which looked like it had been cut off. Kenshi grasped the reins of the gryphon tight and decided to land.

After landing on the top of the strange mountain, he spotted there was some movement in the middle of the plateau. Kenshi kicked his mount in its groins gently and it galloped to the center of the giant plateau. He knew, he should not be investigating anything new, but he was so excited, he could not hold himself back.

The nect moment, he would have died, if his reflexes were slower.Suddenly, an image of a colossal room appeared in fron of his eyes, and a big lizardmam turned to face him, but something was off. He was afraid and all his instincts cried to get away. He did not think and urged his mount to leap backwards. The lizard leaped at him and since his speed was far beyond Kenshi's, he almost caught him. Fortunately, the exit of wherever he was, was right behind his back and one small step was enough to leave the place.

Before he could recuperate from the experience, Kenshi heard a voice and realized he advanced in his skill-tree. He knew hunters could get stronger by exploration, but he had not expected it to be this efficient. His decision was quick, he needed [Appraisal] skill, he knew it was an extremely valuable skill and as a hunter, he had an opportunity to learn it. After obtaining it, he used it on the shimmering wall of air in front of him. He had a vague notion he stumbled upon a portal to a dungeon, but he was just a high schooler and had no access to details. Everything about these things was usually classified. The result of his [Appraisal] did not surprise him, because he had never saw a dungeon status before and he had nothing to compare it to.

Location Name – the Hell's Gate Frontier

Race – Angel, Demon, Dragon, Dragonkin

Owner - ownership in dispute

Owner's status – potential owners are present (rare spawn is active)

Location"s respawn rate – 600 years

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