In The Catacombs

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The Left Wing did not pose a challenge for them and The Depository was a very similar experience to The Right Wing. After they gathered a few low grade enchanted items they had found, they cleared The Burial Chamber and entered The Catacombs.

At the begining of The Catacombs there was a clearing on which, to everyones surprise, was a camp of a dozen of ogres. These were the ones rumoured to be dead. They tried to communicate with them, but it seemed they did not want to be bothered. Some men feared they would try to attack them in the future, but ogres were rarely bandits. They did not care about loot, they were fighting for prestige. They passed the ogres, determined to find one of the tombs.

"I want at least two independent people to start drawing map of this place." Davena said. This location was the biggest, to loose direction here meant to die. They started to map the area around the entrance to The Catacombs. It was a slow work, because they had to be wary of traps, this location was famous for its traps. They divided into ten team of and were scouting the area returning to their starting point after short intervals. For start, the search radius was just five hundred meters, after that distance, the teams turned around and returned to camp which was guarded by the Royal Guard.

Claw triggered yet another trap and a wooden club bashed into his head with a loud "thud".

"Euu, stupid traps." Claw complained.

"You are stupid, you are lucky to be what you are, an invulnerable stony brain." Haim responded to Claw's wails.

"I cannot help it, I am too big and heavy for sneaking around the traps." Claw shattered the trap to pieces and proceeded with a bump on his head. There were traps that could kill even Claw, but being in the middle of their line protected him, from being hit by the more deadly ones.

There was a wide variety of traps in The Catacombs. Most of them had their triggers on the ground, traps like poisoned darts shooting from a wall, or spikes extending feom the ground or ceiling, some traps could be triggered by a thin wire, stretched in different heights. The most dangerous traps were deep holes and falling blacks of rock. THey encountered many hidden rooms either with materials and trinkets or rooms full of aggressive skeletons who wanted to bite the head of whoever would open their room. Speaking of which, many traps was lever-based too, No one could know which levers were the good ones. All the skeletons were similar to the ones they had encountered in The Right Wing and fights against them were challenging for most of their groups. Davena hoped there would be no loses because of the rare ones. The rare one's attributes seemed to be doubled which would be troublesome indeed with the basic enemies having their attributes so high already.

"Hey it is weird anyway. Who is setting the traps? Skeletons? It is laughable." Elienor shook her head.

"It is a feature of the place, everything will be reset in one day." Claw responded.

"Aha, it is a feature of this place. That explains everzthing."

"Yeah exactly." Claw failed to see the sarcasm in her voice, weird rules and natural laws were nothing unusual for him. Davena held up her hand and stopped. In the dark tunnel, her white skin and hair contrasted with her black armor even more than usual.

"Heee, a lever. Who is going to pull it?" Claw said and everyone looked at him. "No objections, time for me to shine."

Everyone else stepped aside and Claw pulled the lever. Suddenly, the ground under his feet vanished and he was falling into a hole. Considering his speed, he managed to catch the lever and hung on it, looking for a support for his feet.

"Let go of it." Haim said.

"A-Are you crazy?" Claw took a short breath trying to crawl out of the hole in the ground, but the lever could not withstand his weight and broke. Claw fell down and after falling one feet, he hit a stairs. "Stairs?"

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