ČásACT 3 - 2 - Dreadful Peacemakers - ResistanceHomeless Again

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Claw did not wait a second and pushed himself off of the wall, flying towards a window. It really seemed there was no gravity and he soared in high speed, breaking the window. Flying out of the window, he stared in shock at the scane before him. The whole castle with all its platforms and colonies was falling down like an ordinary lump of stone.

At first, everything was still, without a sound, everything was speeding up, falling to the death. After a few seconds of dread everyone started screaming. Claw watched his companions as they followed him out of the broken window and his brain was blazing with activity.

"What to do, think!" He frantically scrolled through all the maps of the Castle he had seen, through all the streets he had walked, searching for an idea to save their skins.

"Riders!" He breathed out. He looked around for some riders around them. He saw some, but they did not seem to have any intention to help them. A grim sneer appeared on Claw's face, his eyes stumbled upon a nearby clothes line, which was made from a sturdy rope.

"I will teach you some compassion our great riders." He pushed himself off the ground flying towards the clothes lines. He threw out the clothes, which had been attached to the line and made something resembling a lasso from it.

He threw it in the direction of the nearest dragon rider, Despite aiming at the lesser dragon of his, the rope constricted the rider's neck. The man caught his neck immediately, but he was unable to free himself.

"Fly down!" Claw roared. He did not care one bit about the rider, but he did not want to dismount him. It would be very unfortunate to fish out a dragonless dragon rider. Unwillingly, the rider flew to the ground. The moment his dragon was near, Claw jumped on it and tightened the rope to its saddle. Simultaneously, he hicked down the rider, who flew away, shocked by Claw's ruthless methods.

Having a dragon, Claw could easily pick up Davena, Mei and Rhaska, who were right behind him near the shattered window. After picking them up, Claw immediately turned the dragon and headed into the forest below. The lesser dragon was not used to carrying so many people, therefore the ride was a rough one.

They were just above the treetops. when some debris hit them and they fell to the ground.

* * * *

Zaza hurried through the woods. He did not know where exactly he was, in fact, he did not care. Not far away a huge chunk of earth crashed, obliterating a vast area of the forest. Zaza's legs trembled, as the fall caused a minor earthquake. In shock, the poor alchemist ran onward with all his might.

He ran and ran. For many months, always to the west, for the east was plagued by death. He had lived in the swamps of San Galdo in the Shattered Wetlands, but one day a throng of undead had appeared and he had been on the run since then. Thanks to alchemy, he had been able to make some money and stayed alive, hiring a mercenary for protection, but the man had died two weeks ago. He hoped to seek refuge in the Skyrock Castle, he kept seeing it for weeks during his travel. However, his hopes were disappearing along with the rubble falling down from the sky.

Suddenly, while watching his back, fearing the undead from the east and rubble from above, he tripped over something, falling to the ground.

"Cursed dry forest plagued with undead, I pray someone will burn it to the ground one day!"He checked if he had not broken his legs, wings or nose. Well, his long nose was bent anyway.

Zaza was a [Great Mosquito], and he had enough of this endless forest. His habitat was a swamp, but because of the damned undead, he could not stop anywhere and was forced to run. The funniest thing was, he could not even fly here, he was afraid to. He knew there were many spiders of various sizes lurking in the trees, some of their webs were barely visible. It was a suicide to try flying forward. Above the trees, the situation was even worse, there were some pestering golden birds several meters long, the first time he had tried to fly above the forest, he had almost died that day. The golden birds were not numerous, but incredibly fast.

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